Changeset - 52b6c80c244f
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 14 years ago 2010-10-04 01:32:00
Various wordsmith, rewrite and new content for membership area of the
4 files changed with 218 insertions and 6 deletions:
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new file 100644
{% extends "base_members.html" %}
{% block subtitle %}Member Project Services - {% endblock %}
{% block category %}members{% endblock %}
{% block submenuselection %}Services{% endblock %}
{% block content %}

<h1>How To Apply to Become a Member Project</h1>

<p>New applications for project membership with Conservancy are considered
  twice a year.  The deadlines for submission of application materials are
  1 February and 1 September each year.</p>

<p>The application process is somewhat informal.  New applicants should
  to <a href="">&lt;;</a>
  with a very brief description of their project and a URL to their
  project's website.  We'll send back initial questions if we have any,
  and after that, we'll send the full application materials.  Applications
  should be submitted in plain ASCII text via email.</p>

<p>Projects are reviewed by Conservancy's Evaluation Subcommittee (which
  is a subcommittee of Conservacy's Directors), and the subcommittee's
  recommendations are submitted to
  Conservancy's <a href="/about/board/">Board of Directors</a>, who make
  the final decision to offer membership.</p>

<h1>Project Membership Application FAQs</h1>

<p><b>What are the key criteria our project must meet to join?</b></p>

<p>In order to join, projects need to meet certain criteria, including the
requirement that the project be exclusively devoted to the development of
FLOSS and that it be consistent with the Conservancy's tax-exempt purposes
and the financial requirements imposed by the IRS.  Most FLOSS projects
will meet these requirements.</p>

<p>Additionally, the project must be licensed in a way fitting with
  software freedom principles.  Specifically, all software of the project
  should be licensed under a license that is listed both as
  a <a href="">Free Software
  license by the Free Software Foundation</a> and as
  an <a href="">Open Source
  license by the Open Source Initiative</a>.  All software documentation
  for the project should be licensed under a license on the preceding
  lists, or under Creative
  Commons' <a href="">CC-By-SA</a>
  or <a href="">CC-By</a> or
  <a href="">CC-0</a>.</p>

<p>While any project licensed under FLOSS licenses can apply, the
  Conservancy seeks in particular projects that are well-established and
  have some track record of substantial contributions from a community of
  volunteer developers.  The Conservancy does gives higher priority to
  projects that have an established userbase and interest, but also tries
  to accept some smaller projects with strong potential.</p>

<h2>Is our project required to accept membership if offered?</h2>

<p>Not at all.  Many projects apply and subsequently decide not to join a
  non-profit, or decide to join a different non-profit entity.  Don't
  worry about &ldquo;wasting our time&rdquo; if your project's developers
  aren't completely sure yet if they want to join conservancy.  If
  membership in Conservancy is currently a legitimate consideration for
  your project, we encourage you to apply.  We'd rather that you apply and
  turn down an offer for membership than fail to apply and have to wait
  until the next application round when you're sure.</p>

<h2>What will the project leaders have to agree to if our project joins?</h2>

<p>Once you're offered membership, we'll send you a draft fiscal
  sponsorship agreement.  These aren't secret documents and many of our
  memer projects have even chosen to put theirs online.  However, we wait
  to send a draft of this document, until the application process is
  complete, as we often tailor and modify the agreements based on
  individual project needs.  This is painstaking work, and it's better to
  complete that work after both Conservancy and the project are quite sure
  that they both want the project will join Conservancy.</p>

<h2>What benefits does our project get from joining?</h2>

<p>We maintain a <a href="/members/services">detailed list of services
    that Conservancy provides to member projects</a>.  If you have
    detailed questions about any of the benefits, please
    ask <a href="">&lt;;</a>.</p>

<h2>If my project joins the Conservancy, how will it change?</h2>

<p>Substantively, member projects continue to operate in the same way as
they did before joining the Conservancy.  So long as the project remains
devoted to software freedom and operates consistently with the
Conservancy's tax-exempt status, the Conservancy does not intervene in the
project's development other than to provide administrative assistance.
For example, the Conservancy keeps and maintains books and records for the
project and assists with the logistics of receiving donations, but does
not involve itself with technical or artistic decision making.  Projects
are asked, however, to keep the Conservancy up to date on their

<h2>Once our project joins, who holds its assets (money, copyrights, trademarks, etc.)?</h2>

<p>The Conservancy holds assets on behalf of its member projects and
manages and disburses those assets in accordance with the wishes of the
project's leadership.  Funds received by the Conservancy on behalf of a
project are kept track of separately for each specific project and the
management of those funds is directed by the project.  For example, if a
donor wanted to contribute $100 to Project Foo, they would formally make
the donation to the Conservancy and identify Project Foo as the desired
project to support.  The Conservancy would then deposit the check and
earmark the funds for use by Project Foo.  Project Foo would then tell the
Conservancy how that money should be spent.</p>

<p>Similarly, any copyrights, trademarks, domain name or other assets
transferred to a project can also be held by the Conservancy on behalf of
the project.  A significant service that the Conservancy provides its
members is a vehicle through which copyright ownership in the project can
be unified.  There are several advantages to having a consolidated
copyright structure, including that it makes enforcement activity easier
and more effective.  However, copyright, trademark, and domain name
assignment is not a requirement in order to join the Conservancy, rather,
it is an option for those projects that ask for it.</p>

<h2>If our project joins, must it be a member project of Conservancy forever?</h2>

<p>All agreements between member projects and the Conservancy stipulate
clearly that the member project can leave the Conservancy at any time.
Federal tax exemption law, though, states that projects must transfer
their assets from the Conservancy in a way that is consistent with the
Conservancy's not-for-profit tax status &mdash; meaning the assets cannot
be transferred to an individual or a for-profit entity.  Generally, a
project would either find another fiscal sponsor or form their own
independent tax-exempt non-profit.</p>

<p>We fully expect that some Conservancy projects will ultimately wish to
  form their own non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations; that's why we design
  our agreements with projects to allow them to leave to another 501(c)(3)
  organization.  Typically, projects join Conservancy because the project
  leaders don't want the burdens of running a non-profit themselves.
  Often, as projects grow, leaders get interested in the non-profit
  management and organizational side of the activities and are then
  prepared to take on the additional work themselves.</p>

<h2>How are &ldquo;product leaders&rdquo; defined with respect to Conservancy?</h2>

<p>How leaders are chosen for projects varies greatly from project to
  project.  Our goal is to do our best to embody the &ldquo;natural&rdquo;
  leadership structure that evolved in your project into the formal
  agreement with Conservancy.  As part of the agreement drafting, we work
  carefully with you to understand your project's governance and write up
  formally with you the decision-making process you use. Most project
  contributors find this process of formalizing the leadership structure
  helps them clarify in their own minds the governance of their project,
  even though the process can be difficult.  Since it can be a complicated
  process, we suggest that you prepare your project community for this
  discussion once your project is accepted.</p>

<h2>How much does will it cost us financially to join Conservancy?</h2>

<p>After your application is approved, as part of the negotiation of the
  formal agreement, we'll discuss this issue.  Typically, we ask that
  member projects voluntarily choose to donate some percentage of their
  donations received to support Conservancy's general operations servicing
  all its member projects (including yours).  We do understand that,
  particularly for small projects that only receive a few small donations,
  that donating a percentage of your income back to Conservancy can be a
  high burden.  Therefore, this is not a mandatory requirement.  We thus
  suggest that you be prepared to discuss this issue with us in detail
  after your application is approved.</p>

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{% extends "base_members.html" %}
{% block subtitle %}Current Member Projects - {% endblock %}
{% block category %}members{% endblock %}
{% block submenuselection %}Current{% endblock %}
{% block content %}

<h1>Current Member Projects</h1>

<h2><a href="">Amarok</a></a></h2>

<p>Amarok is a powerful music player with the aim to help people
rediscover music. It offers powerful collection management, context
information, integration of online services and a lot more.</p><p>Amarok
  is also affiliated with the KDE for project software development.</p>

<h2><a href="">ArgoUML</a></h2>

<p>ArgoUML is the leading open source UML modeling tool and includes
support for all standard UML 1.4 diagrams. It runs on any Java platform
and is available in ten languages. See the feature list for more details.</p>

<h2><a href="">Bongo</a></h2>

<p>The Bongo Project is creating fun and simple mail, calendaring and
contacts software: on top of a standards-based server stack; we're
innovating fresh and interesting web user interfaces for managing
personal communications. Bongo is providing an entirely free software
solution which is less concerned with the corporate mail scenario and
much more focused on how people want to organize their lives.</p>

<h2><a href="">Boost</a></h2>

<p>Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries.</p>

<p>Boost emphasizes libraries that work well with the C++ Standard
  Library.  Boost libraries are intended to be widely useful, and usable
  across a broad spectrum of applications.  The Boost license encourages
  both commercial and non-commercial use.</p>

<p>Boost aims to establish &ldquo;existing practice&rdquo; and provide
reference implementations so that Boost libraries are suitable for
eventual standardization. Ten Boost libraries are already included in the
C++ Standards Committee's Library Technical Report ( TR1) as a step toward
becoming part of a future C++ Standard. More Boost libraries are proposed
for the upcoming TR2.</p>

<h2><a href="">BusyBox</a></h2>

<p>BusyBox combines tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities into a
single small executable. It provides replacements for most of the
utilities you usually find in GNU fileutils, shellutils, etc. The
utilities in BusyBox generally have fewer options than their
full-featured GNU cousins; however, the options that are included
provide the expected functionality and behave very much like their GNU
counterparts. BusyBox provides a fairly complete environment for any
small or embedded system.</p>

<p>BusyBox has been written with size-optimization and limited
resources in mind. It is also extremely modular so you can easily
include or exclude commands (or features) at compile time. This makes
it easy to customize your embedded systems. To create a working
system, just add some device nodes in /dev, a few configuration files
in /etc, and a Linux kernel.</p>


<h2><a href="">Darcs</a></h2>

<p>Darcs is a distributed revision control system written in Haskell. In
Darcs, every copy of your source code is a full repository, which allows for
full operation in a disconnected environment, and also allows anyone with
read access to a Darcs repository to easily create their own branch and
modify it with the full power of Darcs' revision control. Darcs is based on
an underlying theory of patches, which allows for safe reordering and
merging of patches even in complex scenarios. For all its power, Darcs
remains a very easy to use tool for every day use because it follows the
principle of keeping simple things simple.  Darcs is free software
licensed under the GNU GPL.</p>


<h2><a href="">Foresight Linux</a></h2>

<p>Foresight is a desktop operating system featuring an intuitive user
interface and a showcase of the latest desktop software, giving users
convenient and enjoyable access to their music, photos, videos,
documents, and Internet resources.</p>

<p>As a Linux distribution, Foresight sets itself apart by eliminating
the need for the user to be familiar with Linux.</p>

<h2><a href="">Inkscape</a></h2>

<p>Inkscape is an Open Source vector graphics editor, with capabilities
similar to Illustrator, Freehand, CorelDraw, or Xara X using the
open-standard Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file format. Inkscape's
main goal is to create a powerful and convenient drawing tool fully
compliant with XML, SVG, and CSS standards.</p>

<p>In contrast to raster (bitmap) graphics editors such as Photoshop or
Gimp, Inkscape stores its graphics in a vector format. Vector graphics
is a resolution-independent description of the actual shapes and
objects that you see in the image. This description is then used to
determine how to plot each line and curve at any resolution or zoom

<h2><a href="">jQuery</a></h2>

<p>jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML
     document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions
     for rapid web development. The jQuery Project works to maintain the
     jQuery JavaScript library and nurture the community surrounding it.

<h2><a href="">K-3D</a></h2>

<p>K-3D is the free-as-in-freedom 3D modeling, animation, and rendering
system for GNU/Linux, MacOSX, and Windows operating systems. K-3D is based
on a powerful Visualization Pipeline that enables procedural modeling and
a robust plugin architecture, and is designed to scale to the needs of
professional artists.</p>

<h2><a href="">Kohana</a></h2>

<p>Kohana is an elegant HMVC PHP5 framework that provides a rich set of
components for building web applications.  It requires very little
configuration, fully supports UTF-8 and I18N, and provides many of the
tools that a developer needs within a highly flexible system. The
integrated class auto-loading, cascading filesystem, highly consistent
API, and easy integration with vendor libraries make it viable for any
project, large or small.</p>

<h2><a href="">Libbraille</a></h2>

<p>Libbraille is a computer shared library which makes it possible to
easily develop software for Braille displays. It provides a simple API
to write text on the display, directly draw dots, or get the value of
keys pressed on the Braille keyboard. Libbraille supports a wide range
of Braille displays with a serial or USB connection and can
auto-detect most of them. Libbraille supports the terminals of the
following manufacturers: Alva, Baum, Blazie Engineering, EuroBraille,
HandyTech, Hermes, ONCE, Papenmeier, Pulse Data, TechniBraille amd

<h2><a href="">Mercurial</a></h2>

<p>Mercurial is a fast, lightweight Source Control Management system
which can track revisions to software during development.  Since its
conception in April 2005, Mercurial has been adopted by many projects
for revision control, including Xen, One Laptop Per Child, and the
Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA).  Mercurial runs on Unix-like systems, Mac
OS X, and Windows computers, and it is licensed under the GNU General
Public License.</p>

<h2><a href="">OpenChange</a></h2>

<p>OpenChange aims to provide a portable Open Source implementation of
  Microsoft Exchange Server and Exchange protocols.  Exchange is a
  groupware server designed to work with Microsoft Outlook, and providing
  features such as a messaging server, shared calendars, contact
  databases, public folders, notes and tasks.</p>

<h2><a href="">Samba</a></h2>

<p>Samba is a FOSS suite that provides seamless file and print
services to SMB/CIFS clients, namely, to Microsoft Windows. Samba is
freely available, unlike other SMB/CIFS implementations, and allows
for interoperability between Linux/Unix servers and Windows-based
clients.  Samba is software that can be run on a platform other than
Microsoft Windows. For example, Samba runs on Unix, GNU/Linux, IBM
System 390, Solaris, Mac OS X, and OpenVMS, among others. It is
standard on virtually all distributions of GNU/Linux and is commonly
included as a basic system service on other UNIX-based systems as
well. Samba uses the TCP/IP protocol that is installed on the host

<p>One of the key goals of the project is to remove barriers to
interoperability. Samba is a software package that gives network
administrators flexibility and freedom in setup, configuration, choice
of systems, and equipment. Samba is released under the GPL.</p>

<h2><a href="">Squeak</a></h2>

<p>Squeak is a modern, open source, full-featured implementation of
the powerful Smalltalk programming language and environment. Squeak is
highly-portable - even its virtual machine is written entirely in
Smalltalk making it easy to debug, analyze, and change. Squeak is the
vehicle for a wide range of projects from multimedia applications,
educational platforms to commercial web application development.</p>


<h2><a href="">Sugar Labs</a></h2>

<p>Sugar is a learning platform that reinvents how computers are used for
education.  Sugar's focus on sharing, criticism, and exploration is
grounded in the culture of free software.  Sugar Labs' mission is to
produce, distribute and support the use of the Sugar learning platform.
Sugar Labs supports the community of educators and software developers who
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new file 100644
{% extends "base_members.html" %}
{% block subtitle %}Project Membership in {% endblock %}
{% block category %}members{% endblock %}
{% block content %}

<h1>Conservancy Project Membership</h1>

<p>A major component of Conservancy's work to advance software freedom is
  through its work to provide
  non-profit <a href="/members/services/">infrastructure and services</a>
  <a href="/members/current/">its member projects</a>.  Conservancy's goal
  is to handle all the parts of advocacy, leadership, organization and
  coordination other than actual development of the software and
  documentation.  By handling all these details, Conservancy allows its
  member project developers to focus on what they do best: writing,
  improving and documenting FLOSS.</p>

<p>Project leaders who believe that their project might benefit from
  Conservancy's <a href="/members/services/">member project services</a>
  are encouraged to <a href="/members/apply/">apply for
Show inline comments
{% extends "base_members.html" %}
{% block subtitle %}Member Project Services - {% endblock %}
{% block category %}members{% endblock %}
{% block submenuselection %}Services{% endblock %}
{% block content %}

<h1>Member Project Services</h1>

<p>Conservancy assists FLOSS project leaders by handling all matters other
  than software development and documentation, so the developers can focus
  on what they do best: improving the software for the public good.  The
  following are the services and options that are available to FLOSS
  projects that have joined Conservancy as a member project.</p>

<h2>Earmarked Donations</h2>
<h2>Tax-Deductible, Earmarked Donations</h2>

<p>Member projects can receive earmarked donations through Conservancy.
  Donors can indicate that their donation should be used to advance a
   Since Conservancy is a 501(c)(3) charity incorporated in New York,
   donors can often deduct the donation on their USA taxes.  Additionally,
   the donors can indicate that their donation should be used to advance a
   specific member project, and those funds are kept in a separate account
  by Conservancy.  The project leadership can then indicate to
  Conservancy's leadership how the funds should be spent to advance the
  project.  Generally, Conservancy permits these funds to be spent in any
  way that is appropriate activity under Conservancy's 501(c)(3)
   for the member project by Conservancy.  This structure prevents
   developers from having to commingle project funds with their own
   personal accounts or having to set up their own project specific

   <p>Since the Conservancy is a tax-exempt organization, there are some
   limits that the law places on what member projects can do with their
   assets, but those limits are the same as if the project was an
   independent non-profit entity.  Usually, the project leadership can
   then indicate to Conservancy's leadership how the funds should be spent
   to advance the project and Conservancy permits these funds to be spent
   in any way that is appropriate activity under Conservancy's 501(c)(3)
   not-for-profit mission.  Some typical uses of earmarked donations by
   Conservancy's member projects are:
<li>funding travel expenses for project developers to attend relevant

<li>domain name fees, bandwidth costs, and computer equipment

<li>purchasing media for distribution of project software at conferences
  and events.</li>

<li>paying key developers on a contractual basis to improve the project's
  software and its documentation.</li>

<li>sponsoring and organizing conferences for the project.</li>
<li>trademark registration and enforcement.</li>

<li>FLOSS license enforcement and compliance activity.</li>

<h2>Asset Stewardship</h2>

<p>Conservancy can hold any assets for the project on its behalf.  This
  includes copyrights, trademarks, domain names, physical computer
  equipment or anything that should be officially held in the name of the
  project.  Member projects are not required that Conservancy hold all
  assets of a project. (For example, member projects are
  not <em>required</em> to assign copyrights to the Conservancy.)
  However, Conservancy can accommodate the needs of projects that want
  their assets under the control of a not-for-profit entity and exercised
  only for the public good.</p>

<h2>Contract Negotiation and Execution</h2>

<p>Projects sometimes need to negotiate and execute a contract with a
  company.  For example, when a project wants to organize and run a
  conference, the venue usually has a complicated contract for rental of
  the space and services.  Conservancy assists projects in the negotiation
  of such contracts, and can sign them on behalf of the project.</p>

<h2>FLOSS Copyright License Enforcement</h2>

<p>Complying with FLOSS licenses is easy, as they permit and encourage
  both non-commercial and commercial distribution and improvements.
  Nevertheless, violations of FLOSS licenses (in particular of
  the <a href="">GPL</a>
  and <a href="">LGPL</a>) are all
  too common.  At request of the project's leaders, Conservancy can carry
  out license enforcement activity on behalf of the project's copyright

<h2>Fundraising Assistance</h2>

<p>Conservancy provides various tools and advice to member projects on
  methods of raising funds for their projects' earmarked accounts.</p>

<h2>Avoid Non-Profit Administrivia</h2>

<p>Member projects can continue to operate in the same way they did before
joining the Conservancy without having to select a board of directors or
any other layer of corporate management, without having to maintain
corporate records and without having to do any of the other things
required of incorporated entities.  The Conservancy handles all of that
burden on behalf of its projects.</p>


<h2>Leadership Mentoring, Advice and Guidance</h2>

<p>Many of Conservancy's <a href="/about/directors">directors</a> are
  experienced FLOSS project leaders.  They offer themselves as a resource
  to member project leaders who need assistance or face challenges in
  their work leading their projects.</p>

<h2>Some Personal Liability Protection</h2>

<p>When a project joins Conservancy, it formally becomes part of the
  Conservancy. (The project is thus somewhat analogous to a division of a
  company or a department in a large agency.)  As such, project leaders
  benefit from some amount of protection from personal liability for their
  work on the project.</p>


<p>Those familiar with non-profit terminology will recognize most of these
  as <a href="">fiscal
  sponsorship services</a>.  This term is not particularly well
  known in the FLOSS community, and many are confused by that term.
  However, if you are familiar with what a fiscal sponsor typically does
  in the non-profit sector, the term does fit many of services that
  Conservancy offers its member projects.</p>

leaders that believe their project might benefit from these services can
<a href="/members/apply/">apply to become a member project</a>.</p>
{% endblock %}
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