Changeset - 385863c6e75f
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Daniel Takamori (pono) - 2 years ago 2021-12-29 18:20:42
change language around $1.7m
1 file changed with 2 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -119,8 +119,8 @@
<div data-read-more="Read more about our projects&hellip;">

  <p>Software Freedom Conservancy helped our projects engage in critical work
  this year. Overall, we funded <strong>$1.7 million</strong> in work to
  improve software freedom &mdash: this year alone!  Those funds
  this year. Overall, we raised, administered and facilitated <strong>$1.7 million</strong>
  in work to improve software freedom &mdash: this year alone!  Those funds
  go <em>directly</em> to fund <acronym title="Free and Open Source Software">FOSS</acronym>
  contributors.  We do the arduous work to sustain these FOSS communities:</p>

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