Changeset - 35f2952db5fd
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 8 years ago 2016-08-30 05:22:59
Add tech id in this tag.
1 file changed with 1 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -138,25 +138,25 @@
  of ESXi.  Vmklinux does not allow reuse of unmodified Linux drivers in
  binary or source form.  Christoph further points out that if the Court
  allows proprietarization of an arbitrary split portion of GPL'd computer
  programs, it could allow redistributors to trivially bypass the strong
  copyleft terms found in the GPL.  Finally, the response explains that
  vmkernel and vmklinux don't “communicate over an interface”,
  rather they run in the same process as a single computer program.  Thus,
  VMK API, as used by vmklinux, is not an “interface” as set
  forth in
  the <a href="">EU
      Directive 2009/24/EC</a>.</dd>

  <dt>Can you explain further how VMware incorporated code from Linux into
  <dt id="tech">Can you explain further how VMware incorporated code from Linux into
  their kernel?</dt>

  <p id="diagram">
    Conservancy prepared this diagram to show the technical situation as we
    understand it.  The diagram compares the technical architecture of a full,
    running Linux kernel with a full, running VMware kernel:
      <a href="/linux-compliance/linux-vs-vmkernel_en.png">
    <img class="inside-faq" alt="[Diagram of Linux and VMware running kernels]" src="/linux-compliance/linux-vs-vmkernel_en_scaled.png" /></a>

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