Changeset - 355cc0707162
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Daniel Takamori (pono) - 21 months ago 2022-06-28 19:11:10
remove Mike from board and appoint Allison as Chair
1 file changed with 1 insertions and 9 deletions:
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@@ -133,15 +133,7 @@ copyleft licensing.  Kuhn has <a href="">a
blog</a> and co-hosts
the audcast, <a href=""><cite>Free as in Freedom</cite></a>.</p>
<h2>Mike Linksvayer</h2>

<p>Mike Linksvayer serves on the boards of AcaWiki and OpenHatch,
and on the Open Definition Advisory Council, and is Policy Director at GitHub.
Previously Mike was CTO, VP, and a Senior Fellow at Creative Commons, and a
co-founder of Bitzi, an early open content/open
data mass collaboration platform.</p>

<h2>Allison Randal</h2>
<h2>Allison Randal - Chair of the Board</h2>

<p>Over the course of multiple decades as a free software developer,
Allison has worked in a wide variety of projects and domains, from
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