Changeset - 344d52ba632c
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Bradley M. Kuhn - 3 years ago 2020-10-01 22:46:19
Correct date of launch and link to announcement.
1 file changed with 1 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -12,25 +12,25 @@
  Conservancy accomplishes these goals with various initiatives, including
  defending and upholding the rights of software users and consumers under
  copyleft licenses, such as the GPL.</p>

<p>Free and open source software (FOSS) is everywhere and in everything; yet
our software freedom is constantly eroded.  With the help of its
volunteers, <a href="/members/current/">member projects</a>,
and <a href="/about/staff/">staff</a>, Conservancy stands up for users'
software freedom via its copyleft compliance work.</p>

<p>Conservancy's primary work in copyleft compliance currently focuses on
our <a href="/copyleft-compliance/enforcement-strategy.html">Strategic GPL
Enforcement Initiative</a>.  This initiative, launched in August 2020,
Enforcement Initiative</a>.  This initiative, <a href="/news/2020/oct/01/new-copyleft-strategy-launched-with-ARDC-grant/">launched in October 2020</a>,
represents the culmination of nearly 15 years of compliance work of
Conservancy spanning ten different fiscally sponsored projects, past lawsuits
against more than a dozen defendants, and hundreds of non-litigation
compliance actions.</p>

<p>For these many years, Conservancy has always given the benefit of the
  doubt to companies who exploited our good nature and ultimately simply
  ignore the rights of users and consumers.  In that time, the compliance
  industrial complex has risen to a multi-million-dollar industry &mdash;
  selling (mostly proprietary) products, services, and consulting to
  companies.  Yet, these compliance efforts ignore consistently the most
  essential promise of copyleft &mdash; the complete, Corresponding Source
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