Changeset - 2e40f1981dff
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 13 years ago 2010-10-04 00:23:04
Moved paragraph that was previously in overview to directors page.
1 file changed with 12 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -2,13 +2,24 @@
{% block subtitle %}Directors - {% endblock %}
{% block submenuselection %}Directors{% endblock %}
{% block content %}


<p>The Conservancy is directed by the following Board of Directors.</p>
<p>Like many non-profits, Conservancy is directed by a
self-perpetuating <a href="/about/team/board/">Board of Directors</a>, who
appoint <a href="/about/team/officers/">Officers</a> to carry out the
day-to-day operations of the organization.  The Directorship of the
Conservancy includes both talented non-profit managers and experienced
FLOSS project leaders who can both guide the administrative operations of
the organization as well as mentor member project leaders as needed.  Our
Directors constantly search for additional directors who can contribute a
variety of expertise and perspective related to the Conservancy's

<p>Currently, the directors of Conservancy are:</p>

<h2>Jeremy Allison</h2>

<p>Jeremy Allison works for Google's Open Source Programs Office, as part
of a team helping Google work with and release Open Source software. He is
one of Google's representatives to the Open Source community and has been
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