Changeset - 236bbfbbb960
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Brett Smith (brett) - 5 years ago 2018-11-20 14:02:49
supporter: Set video width.
1 file changed with 1 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -72,25 +72,25 @@

  <a name="renew" class="hidden"></a>
  {% include "supporter/form_partial.html" with form_id="renewal" min_amt=120 verb="renew" article="an" supptype="annual" only %}
{% endif %}

<span id="form-correction-needed" class="form-error">Please ensure all form data above is correct.</span>

<hr style="clear: both;"/>

<div class="picture right">
  <img alt="" src="/img/member-project-logos.png">
  <p>Conservancy is currently home to <a href="/projects/current/">almost fifty member projects</a>.</p>
  <video controls="" poster="/img/2018-11_Molly-de-Blanc-match-announcement-poster.png">
  <video controls="" poster="/img/2018-11_Molly-de-Blanc-match-announcement-poster.png" style="width: 100%;">
    <source src="/videos/2018-11_Molly-de-Blanc-match-announcement.webm">

    <p><a href="/videos/2018-11_Molly-de-Blanc-match-announcement.webm">Download this video</a>
    or <a href="">watch it on YouTube</a></p>
  <p>Molly de Blanc announced her plans to provide a donation match along with other Supporters at LinuxConfAu 2018.</p>
  <img alt="" src="/img/2018_GSOC-byJoshSimmons_high.JPG">
  <p>Representatives from many different Conservancy member projects gathered at the GSoC mentor summit 2018. Photo by Josh Simmons.</p>

<p><strong>Software freedom is critical to many of today’s most pressing social issues, but it is only effective when
FOSS is for everyone</strong>—no matter what their background is, what technology they’re using, or whether or not a company funds their project.  Software Freedom Conservancy makes this possible by helping create more free software,
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