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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 11 years ago 2013-01-09 15:50:26
Filing deadline extension due to Hurricane Sandy.
1 file changed with 7 insertions and 6 deletions:
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@@ -13,16 +13,17 @@ public inspection, in reverse chronological order:</p>
<li>Fiscal Year 2011
<p>Conservancy's FY 2011 ended on 2012-02-29.  The initial filing deadline
  for FY 2011 Form 990 and CHAR 500 was 2012-07-16, but Conservancy was
  granted an extension to file until 2013-01-15.  Specifically,
<p>Conservancy's FY 2011 ended on 2012-02-29.  Conservancy's current filing
  deadline for FY 2011 Form 990 and CHAR-500 is 2013-02-01.</p>

<p>Specifically, Conservancy's initial deadline for the was 2012-07-16.
  The <a href="{29B7D0B8-0C86-4F99-A910-E30D59E4DCF7}&orgid=40-39-09&title=Extension&project=Charities">IRS
  and NYS granted</a> Conservancy's
  <a href="{2E621422-4DBA-4FC9-9BD1-5633ADD1F3A4}&orgid=40-39-09&title=Extension&project=Charities">application</a>
  for a three-month filing extension until 2012-10-15, and, on
  for a three-month filing extension until 2012-10-15.  On
  2012-09-25, the IRS additionally granted a second three-month filing
  extension.  Conservancy hopes, however, to file its FY 2011 Form 990
  before the end of CY 2012.</p>
  extension until 2013-01-15.  Finally, the <a href=";-Return-Filing-and-Tax-Payment-Deadline-Extended-to-Feb.-1,-2013">IRS unilaterally granted
  deadline extensions for all counties impacted by Hurricane Sandy</a> until 2013-02-01.</p>
<li>Fiscal Year 2010
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