Changeset - 0db5e0051684
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Daniel Takamori (pono) - 2 years ago 2021-12-23 21:52:45
visual postcard link and add to /sustainer
2 files changed with 6 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ strategies that defend FOSS (such as copyleft). <a href="/about" class="orange">

<div class="mt3 mh2-ns mb4 flex-ns">
  <div class="w-70-ns mh2">
<section class="mh0 pa3 bg-light-blue ba b--gray">
<p><img src="img/sfc_holiday_card_2021.jpg"> </p>
<p><a href="img/sfc_holiday_card_video_done_smaller.mp4"><img src="img/sfc_holiday_card_2021.jpg"></a> </p>

    <section class="mv3 ph2">
<h2 class="f4 mt0 mb2 ttu"><!--<a href="/feeds/news/" class="feedlink"><img src="/img/feed-icon-14x14.png" alt="[RSS]"/></a>--> <a href="/news/" class="dark-gray">News</a></h2>
{% for pressr in press_releases|slice:":4" %}
  {% if forloop.first or pressr.pub_date|date_within_past_days:365 %}
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@@ -12,12 +12,13 @@

{% block content %}
<div class="breadcrumbs">
  <p><a href="/">Home</a> / <a href="/about">Who We Are</a></p>


<div class="content-with-donate-sidebar" id="formStart">


{% if partial_amount > 0 %}
  {% include "supporter/form_partial.html" with form_id="annual" min_amt=minimum_amount partial_amt=partial_amount article="an" only %}
{% else %}
@@ -38,16 +39,20 @@

<span id="form-correction-needed" class="form-error">Please ensure all form data above is correct.</span>


<hr style="clear: both;"/>
<p style="text-align:center;"><a href="/img/sfc_holiday_card_video_done_smaller.mp4"><img src="/img/sfc_holiday_card_2021.jpg" width="500"/></a> </p>
<p>Sustainers help us do our work in a strategic, long-term way. We could not
  do this without the support and financial contributions of individuals like
  you. <a href="/sponsors/#sustainers">We list our Sustainers here</a>.</p>



<div class="expandable-section" id="2021-summary">

<p><h3>The wide range of work we engage in is supported by people like you. </h3></p>

<p>We are so proud that we're funded by individuals and stay unbeholden to corporate interests and pressures. We stand up for developers, consumers and those who have been historically excluded. We work to make technology truly fair for all. </p>

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