Files @ 170aa38bb5c3
Branch filter:

Location: website/www/conservancy/templates/blog/entry_partial.html - annotation

blog: Headlines clear floats.

This avoids a situation where multiple summaries have floats that stack on
top of each other vertically, which end up getting far away from the actual

In order to make this work, we had to change the styling of #mainContent on
blog pages (and others with a sidebar). Otherwise, headlines with
class="clear" would clear the sidebar as well.
{% comment %}

This partial requires these parameters:

* `entry`: The BlogEntry object to render.

This partial accepts these optional parameters:

* `show`: How much of the BlogEntry to render.  Accepted values are
  "headline", "dateline", "summary", "summary+tags", and "body".
  Every value will render the parts listed before it, except "body"
  doesn't include "summary".  Default "body".
* `htag`: Name of the HTML tag to render the entry headline.  Default "h3".

{% endcomment %}

<div class="blog-entry">

<{{ htag|default:"h3" }} class="clear"
  >{% if show|default:"body" != "body" %}<a href="{{ entry.get_absolute_url }}"
  >{% endif %}{{ entry.headline|safe }}{% if show|default:"body" != "body" %}</a>{% endif %}</{{ htag|default:"h3" }}>

{% if show != "headline" %}
<p class="date">by <span class="author">{{ }}</span>
  on {{ entry.pub_date|date:"F j, Y" }}

{% if show != "dateline" %}

{% if show|default:"body" == "body" %}
{{ entry.body|safe }}
{% else %}
{{ entry.summary|safe }}
{% endif %}

{% if show|default:"body" != "body" %}
<p><a class="continued" href="{{ entry.get_absolute_url }}">Read More&hellip;</a></p>
{% endif %}

{% if show != "summary" and entry.tags.exists %}
<p class="blog-tags">Tags:
  {% for tag in entry.tags.iterator %}
  <a href="{{ tag.get_absolute_url }}">{{ tag.label }}</a>{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}</p>
{% endif %}

{% endif %}{# show != "dateline" #}
{% endif %}{# show != "headline" #}
