Files @ d0a14f973771
Branch filter:

Location: vmkdrivers/BLD/build/HEADERS/vmkapi-current-all-public/vmkernel64/release/core/vmkapi_bus.h

 * Copyright 2010 VMware, Inc.  All rights reserved.


 * Bus                                                            */ /**
 * \addtogroup Device 
 * @{
 * \defgroup Bus Bus interface
 * @{

#ifndef _VMKAPI_BUS_H_
#define _VMKAPI_BUS_H_

/** \cond never */
#error This vmkapi file should never be included directly but only via vmkapi.h
/** \endcond never */

typedef struct vmkBusType* vmk_BusType;

/** \brief A null bustype handle. */
#define VMK_BUSTYPE_NONE ((vmk_BusType)0)

typedef struct {
   /** Module registering the bustype */
   vmk_ModuleID moduleID;
   /** Name of bustype */
   vmk_Name name;
} vmk_BusTypeProps;

 * vmk_BusTypeRegister --                                          */ /**
 * \brief Register a bus type with the device subsystem.
 * \note This function will not block.
 * \param[in]   busProps   Bus type description data.
 * \param[out]  busHandle  Handle to registered bus type.
 * \retval VMK_OK         Success.
 * \retval VMK_EXISTS     Bus type is already registered.
 * \retval VMK_NO_MEMORY  Unable to allocate memory for bus type handle.
 * \retval VMK_BAD_PARAM  Input parameter is invalid.
vmk_BusTypeRegister(vmk_BusTypeProps *busProps,
                    vmk_BusType *busHandle);

 * vmk_BusTypeUnregister --                                        */ /**
 * \brief Unregister a bus type.
 * \note This function will not block.
 * \param[in]   busHandle Handle to registered bus type. 
 * \retval VMK_OK          Success 
 * \retval VMK_BAD_PARAM   No bus type object matching given handle. 
vmk_BusTypeUnregister(vmk_BusType busHandle);

 * vmk_BusTypeFind --                                          */ /**
 * \brief Return a reference to the bus type object registered with 
 *        given name. 
 * \note  Reference must be freed using vmk_BusTypeRelease. 
 * \note This function will not block.
 * \param[in]   name       Name of bus type 
 * \param[out]  busHandle  Handle to bus type object. 
 * \retval VMK_OK          Success 
 * \retval VMK_NOT_FOUND   No bus type object matching given name. 
vmk_BusTypeFind(vmk_Name *name,
                vmk_BusType *busHandle);

 * vmk_BusTypeRelease --                                          */ /**
 * \brief Release a reference to a bus type object obtained using one 
 *        of the search functions.        
 * \note If last reference was released bus type object may be freed.
 * \note This function will not block.
 * \param[in]  busHandle   Bus type handle to release.
 * \retval VMK_OK          Success 
 * \retval VMK_BAD_PARAM   No bus type object matching given handle. 
vmk_BusTypeRelease(vmk_BusType busHandle);

 * vmk_BusTypeGetName --                                          */ /**
 * \brief   Find the name of the bus type for given bus type handle. 
 * \note This function will not block.
 * \param[in]  busHandle   Bus type handle to find name for.
 * \param[out] name        Name of bus type.    
 * \retval VMK_OK             Success 
 * \retval VMK_BAD_PARAM      No bus type object matching given handle. 
vmk_BusTypeGetName(vmk_BusType busHandle,
                   vmk_Name *name);

#endif /* _VMKAPI_BUS_H_ */
/** @} */
/** @} */