File diff 85642093068c → 91e0d39c9812
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/* **********************************************************
 * Copyright 1998 - 2010 VMware, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * Copyright 1998 - 2010,2012 VMware, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * **********************************************************/

@@ -51,8 +51,11 @@
/** \brief Don't block for file operations. */
#define VMK_CHARDEV_OFLAG_NONBLOCK     0x00000800

/** \brief Synchronous file operations. */
#define VMK_CHARDEV_OFLAG_SYNC         0x00001000
/** \brief File integerity for synchronous file I/O. */
#define VMK_CHARDEV_OFLAG_SYNC         0x00101000

/** \brief Data integrity for synchronous file I/O. */
#define VMK_CHARDEV_OFLAG_DSYNC        0x00001000

/** \brief Use direct I/O. */
#define VMK_CHARDEV_OFLAG_DIRECT       0x00004000
@@ -107,24 +110,34 @@ typedef struct vmk_CharDevFdAttr {
} vmk_CharDevFdAttr;

 * \brief Opaque handle to a character device.
 * \brief Opaque poll token handle.
typedef struct vmkCharDevInt* vmk_CharDev;
typedef void *vmk_PollToken;

 * \brief A default initialization value for a vmk_CharDev.
 * \brief Opaque poll context handle.
typedef void *vmk_PollContext;

 * \brief Opaque poll token handle.
 * \brief Identifier for logical graphics devices.
typedef void *vmk_PollToken;

 * \brief Opaque poll context handle.
 * \brief Character device driver's entry points.
typedef void *vmk_PollContext;
struct vmk_CharDevOps;

/** \brief Character device registration data. */
typedef struct vmk_CharDevRegData {
   /** \brief Module creating this device. */
   vmk_ModuleID moduleID;
   /** \brief Device operations. */
   const struct vmk_CharDevOps *fileOps;
   /** \brief Device private data. */
   vmk_AddrCookie devicePrivate;
} vmk_CharDevRegData;

@@ -330,93 +343,6 @@ typedef struct vmk_CharDevOps {
   vmk_CharDevWriteFn  write;
} vmk_CharDevOps;

 * vmk_CharDevCleanupFn --                                        */ /**
 * \brief Prototype for a character device driver's cleanup callback.
 * \param[in]  private  Optional private data to be used by the callback
 * \retval VMK_OK The cleanup function executed correctly.
 *                This is not an indicator of the success or failure of
 *                the operations in the function, but merely that they
 *                ran.  Any other return value is not allowed.
typedef VMK_ReturnStatus (*vmk_CharDevCleanupFn)(vmk_AddrCookie private);

 * vmk_CharDevRegister --                                         */ /**
 * \brief Register the specified character device, to be invoked from
 *        user-space.
 * \param[in]  module         Module that owns the character device.
 * \param[in]  name           The name of the device - this must be unique.
 * \param[in]  fileOps        Table of the driver file operations.
 *                            Neither open nor close can be supplied 
 *                            without the other.
 *                            If read or write operations are supplied, 
 *                            then open and close must also be supplied.
 * \param[in]  cleanup        Function automatically invoked to clean up
 *                            after all file ops have ceased and the 
 *                            device has been unregistered.  May be NULL.
 * \param[in]  devicePrivate  Data given to the driver for each file 
 *                            op and cleaned up after unregistration.
 * \param[out] assignedHandle Handle to the registered character device.
 * \retval VMK_EXISTS         A device with that name is already registered
 * \retval VMK_FAILURE        Unable to allocate internal slot for the device
 * \retval VMK_NO_MEMORY      Unable to allocate memory for device metadata
 * \retval VMK_BAD_PARAM      Module ID was invalid, name was invalid,
 *                            or one or more specified driver ops are NULL
VMK_ReturnStatus vmk_CharDevRegister(
   vmk_ModuleID module,
   const char *name,
   const vmk_CharDevOps *fileOps,
   vmk_CharDevCleanupFn cleanup,
   vmk_AddrCookie devicePrivate,
   vmk_CharDev *assignedHandle);

 * vmk_CharDevUnregister --                                       */ /**
 * \brief Unregister a character device.
 * The character device will be unregistered automatically by
 * the kernel only after all open files to the device have been
 * closed.  If no files are open when vmk_CharDevUnregister is
 * called, the device may be unregistered immediately and have the
 * cleanup function registered with it invoked.  If the device has 
 * files open, vmk_CharDevUnregister internally defers the device for 
 * later automatic removal and returns to the caller immediately.  When 
 * the last file is closed, the device will then be destroyed and the 
 * cleanup function invoked.
 * \note No new open files to the device can be created after calling
 *       vmk_CharDevUnregister.
 * \note The vmkernel will prevent a module from being unloaded while
 *       it has open files associated with a character device, even
 *       if that device has been requested to be unregistered.
 * \param[in] deviceHandle Handle of device assigned during registration.
 * \retval VMK_NOT_FOUND The device does not exist.
 * \retval VMK_OK The device was either unregistered or internally
 *                deferred for unregistration once all associated files
 *                close.
VMK_ReturnStatus vmk_CharDevUnregister(vmk_CharDev deviceHandle);

 * vmk_CharDevWakePollers --                                      */ /**