{% extends "symposion/reviews/base.html" %} {% load bootstrap %} {% load i18n %} {% block body %} {% if is_manager %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% if proposal.result.status == "accepted" %} Accepted {% else %} {% if proposal.result.status == "rejected" %} Rejected {% else %} {% if proposal.result.status == "standby" %} Standby {% else %} Undecided {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% endif %}

#{{ proposal.number }}: {{ proposal.title }} ({{ proposal.speaker }})

{% include "symposion/proposals/_proposal_fields.html" %}
{% if review_messages %}

{% trans "Conversation with the submitter" %}

{% for message in review_messages %}
{{ message.user.username }} {{ message.submitted_at|timesince }} ago
{{ message.message|safe }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

{% trans "Send a message" %}

{% blocktrans %} If you'd like to communicate with the submitter, use the following form and they will be notified and given the opportunity to respond. {% endblocktrans %}

{% csrf_token %} {{ message_form|bootstrap }}


{% if review_form %}
{% trans "Submit Review" %}

Enter your vote and any comment to go along with it. You can revise your vote or comment multiple times with an existing vote (your previously recorded score will be replaced during calculations). Your vote and comments are not public and will only be viewable by other reviewers.

{% csrf_token %} {{ review_form|bootstrap }}
{% else %}

You do not have permission to vote on this proposal.

{% endif %}


Scores and comments are hidden by default.
+2 votes +1 votes -1 votes -2 votes {% trans "Total Responses" %}
{{ proposal.plus_two }} {{ proposal.plus_one }} {{ proposal.minus_one }} {{ proposal.minus_two }} {{ proposal.total_votes }}
{% for review in reviews %}
{{ review.vote }} by {% if review.user.speaker_profile %}{{ review.user.speaker_profile.name }}{% else %}{{ review.user.username }}{% endif %} {% if is_manager %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% endif %}

{{ review.comment_html|safe }}

{{ review.submitted_at|timesince }} ago
{% endfor %}
{% trans "Jump to a random unreviewed proposal" %}
{% endblock %}