{% load i18n %} {% load proposal_tags %} {% load review_tags %} {% load teams_tags %} {% load registrasion_tags %} {% load lca2018_tags %} {% load lca2019_tags %} {% load staticfiles %} {% if user.is_staff %}

{% trans "Administration" %}

The following administrative tools are available to you:

{% endif %}

{% trans "Attend" %} {% conference_name %}

{% if not user.attendee.completed_registration %}


To attend the conference, you must create an attendee profile and purchase your ticket

{% else %}

Attendee Profile

If you would like to change the details on your badge or your attendee statistics, you may edit your attendee profile here.

Edit attendee profile

Account Management

If you would like to change your registered email address or password, you can use our self-service account management portal

Account Management
{% items_pending as pending %}


{% if pending %}

Items pending payment

{% include "registrasion/_items_list.html" with items=pending %} Check out and pay
{% endif %} {% items_purchased as purchased %} {% if purchased %}

Paid Items

{% include "registrasion/_items_list.html" with items=purchased %}
{% endif %}

Add/Update Items

{% include "registrasion/_category_list.html" with categories=categories %}
{% invoices as invoices %} {% if invoices %}


    {% for invoice in invoices %}
{% if invoices|any_is_void %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% available_credit as credit %} {% if credit %}


You have ${{ credit }} leftover from refunded invoices. This credit will be automatically applied to new invoices. Contact the conference organisers to for a refund to your original payment source.

{% endif %}
{% endif %} {# user.attendee.completed_registration #}