{% extends "regidesk/base.html" %} {% block head_title %}Checkin - {{ user.attendee.attendeeprofilebase.attendeeprofile.name }}{% endblock head_title %} {% block page_title %}Pre-print check{% endblock page_title %} {% block body %} {% load registrasion_tags %} {% load lca2018_tags %} {% items_purchased as purchased %} {% items_pending as pending %} {% items_purchased 1 as ticket %} {% ticket_type as ticket_type %} Return to scanning page
Content Check
Ticket type
{{ ticket_type }}
{{ user.attendee.attendeeprofilebase.attendeeprofile.name }}
{% if ticket_type == "Student" or ticket_type == "Hobbyist" or "Only" in ticket_type %}{% else %}{{ user.attendee.attendeeprofilebase.attendeeprofile.company }}{% endif %}
Free Text 1
{{ user.attendee.attendeeprofilebase.attendeeprofile.free_text_1 }}
Free Text 2
{{ user.attendee.attendeeprofilebase.attendeeprofile.free_text_2 }}
{% comment "Not needed for LCA2022 online" %}
Penguin Dinner Tickets
{{ penguin_dinner_count }}
Speaker Dinner Tickets
{{ speakers_dinner_count }}
PDNS Tickets
{{ pdns_count }}
{% endcomment %}
Over 18 years
{% if user.attendee.attendeeprofilebase.attendeeprofile.of_legal_age %}Yes{% else %}NO{% endif %}
{{ user.username }}
{% comment "Not needed for LCA2022 online" %}

Shirts ordered

{% for shirt in shirts%} {% endfor %}
{{ shirt.product }} {{ shirt.quantity }}
{% endcomment %}
User Id
{{ check_in.venueless_user_id }}
{{ check_in.venueless_traits }}
{{ check_in.venueless_token|truncatechars:20 }}
Badge Preview
Check In
{% if check_in.checked_in_bool %}Checked in{% else %}Not checked in{% endif %}

If an attendee sees an error with their contents, please instruct them to change their profile and come back before checking them in.

The attendee will be unable to edit their profile after they have been checked in.

{% if check_in.badge_printed %}Marked{% else %}Not marked{% endif %} as printed

Preview Badge for Printing

{% comment "Not needed for LCA2022 online" %}
{% if check_in.schwag_given %}Marked{% else %}Not marked{% endif %} as given
{% endcomment %}
Log Exception

Reminder: Please tell attendee to email the conference team with the details as well.

{% comment "Not needed for LCA2022 online" %}
Bulk actions

Mark attendee as checked in and schwag given

{% if check_in.checked_in_bool or check_in.schwag_given %} One of the items in bulk action is marked as given already {% else %} Both items are marked as unreceived {% endif %}
{% endcomment %} Return to scanning page {% endblock %}