import forms import collections import datetime from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.decorators import user_passes_test from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.db import models from django.db.models import F, Q from django.db.models import Count, Max, Sum from django.db.models import Case, When, Value from django.shortcuts import render from registrasion.controllers.item import ItemController from registrasion.models import commerce from registrasion.models import people from registrasion import util from registrasion import views from reports import get_all_reports from reports import Links from reports import ListReport from reports import QuerysetReport from reports import report_view def CURRENCY(): return models.DecimalField(decimal_places=2) AttendeeProfile = util.get_object_from_name(settings.ATTENDEE_PROFILE_MODEL) @user_passes_test(views._staff_only) def reports_list(request): ''' Lists all of the reports currently available. ''' reports = [] for report in get_all_reports(): reports.append({ "name": report.__name__, "url": reverse(report), "description": report.__doc__, }) reports.sort(key=lambda report: report["name"]) ctx = { "reports": reports, } return render(request, "registrasion/reports_list.html", ctx) # Report functions @report_view("Reconcilitation") def reconciliation(request, form): ''' Shows the summary of sales, and the full history of payments and refunds into the system. ''' return [ sales_payment_summary(), items_sold(), payments(), credit_note_refunds(), ] def items_sold(): ''' Summarises the items sold and discounts granted for a given set of products, or products from categories. ''' data = None headings = None line_items = commerce.LineItem.objects.filter( invoice__status=commerce.Invoice.STATUS_PAID, ).select_related("invoice") line_items = line_items.order_by( # sqlite requires an order_by for .values() to work "-price", "description", ).values( "price", "description", ).annotate( total_quantity=Sum("quantity"), ) print line_items headings = ["Description", "Quantity", "Price", "Total"] data = [] total_income = 0 for line in line_items: cost = line["total_quantity"] * line["price"] data.append([ line["description"], line["total_quantity"], line["price"], cost, ]) total_income += cost data.append([ "(TOTAL)", "--", "--", total_income, ]) return ListReport("Items sold", headings, data) def sales_payment_summary(): ''' Summarises paid items and payments. ''' def value_or_zero(aggregate, key): return aggregate[key] or 0 def sum_amount(payment_set): a = payment_set.values("amount").aggregate(total=Sum("amount")) return value_or_zero(a, "total") headings = ["Category", "Total"] data = [] # Summarise all sales made (= income.) sales = commerce.LineItem.objects.filter( invoice__status=commerce.Invoice.STATUS_PAID, ).values( "price", "quantity" ).aggregate( total=Sum(F("price") * F("quantity"), output_field=CURRENCY()), ) sales = value_or_zero(sales, "total") all_payments = sum_amount(commerce.PaymentBase.objects.all()) # Manual payments # Credit notes generated (total) # Payments made by credit note # Claimed credit notes all_credit_notes = 0 - sum_amount(commerce.CreditNote.objects.all()) unclaimed_credit_notes = 0 - sum_amount(commerce.CreditNote.unclaimed()) claimed_credit_notes = sum_amount( commerce.CreditNoteApplication.objects.all() ) refunded_credit_notes = 0 - sum_amount(commerce.CreditNote.refunded()) data.append(["Items on paid invoices", sales]) data.append(["All payments", all_payments]) data.append(["Sales - Payments ", sales - all_payments]) data.append(["All credit notes", all_credit_notes]) data.append(["Credit notes paid on invoices", claimed_credit_notes]) data.append(["Credit notes refunded", refunded_credit_notes]) data.append(["Unclaimed credit notes", unclaimed_credit_notes]) data.append([ "Credit notes - (claimed credit notes + unclaimed credit notes)", all_credit_notes - claimed_credit_notes - refunded_credit_notes - unclaimed_credit_notes, ]) return ListReport("Sales and Payments Summary", headings, data) def payments(): ''' Shows the history of payments into the system ''' payments = commerce.PaymentBase.objects.all() return QuerysetReport( "Payments", ["invoice__id", "id", "reference", "amount"], payments, link_view=views.invoice, ) def credit_note_refunds(): ''' Shows all of the credit notes that have been generated. ''' notes_refunded = commerce.CreditNote.refunded() return QuerysetReport( "Credit note refunds", ["id", "creditnoterefund__reference", "amount"], notes_refunded, link_view=views.credit_note, ) def group_by_cart_status(queryset, order, values): queryset = queryset.annotate( is_reserved=Case( When(cart__in=commerce.Cart.reserved_carts(), then=Value(True)), default=Value(False), output_field=models.BooleanField(), ), ) values = queryset.order_by(*order).values(*values) values = values.annotate( total_paid=Sum(Case( When( cart__status=commerce.Cart.STATUS_PAID, then=F("quantity"), ), default=Value(0), )), total_refunded=Sum(Case( When( cart__status=commerce.Cart.STATUS_RELEASED, then=F("quantity"), ), default=Value(0), )), total_unreserved=Sum(Case( When( ( Q(cart__status=commerce.Cart.STATUS_ACTIVE) & Q(is_reserved=False) ), then=F("quantity"), ), default=Value(0), )), total_reserved=Sum(Case( When( ( Q(cart__status=commerce.Cart.STATUS_ACTIVE) & Q(is_reserved=True) ), then=F("quantity"), ), default=Value(0), )), ) return values @report_view("Product status", form_type=forms.ProductAndCategoryForm) def product_status(request, form): ''' Summarises the inventory status of the given items, grouping by invoice status. ''' products = form.cleaned_data["product"] categories = form.cleaned_data["category"] items = commerce.ProductItem.objects.filter( Q(product__in=products) | Q(product__category__in=categories), ).select_related("cart", "product") items = group_by_cart_status( items, ["product__category__order", "product__order"], ["product", "product__category__name", "product__name"], ) headings = [ "Product", "Paid", "Reserved", "Unreserved", "Refunded", ] data = [] for item in items: data.append([ "%s - %s" % ( item["product__category__name"], item["product__name"] ), item["total_paid"], item["total_reserved"], item["total_unreserved"], item["total_refunded"], ]) return ListReport("Inventory", headings, data) @report_view("Product status", form_type=forms.DiscountForm) def discount_status(request, form): ''' Summarises the usage of a given discount. ''' discounts = form.cleaned_data["discount"] items = commerce.DiscountItem.objects.filter( Q(discount__in=discounts), ).select_related("cart", "product", "product__category") items = group_by_cart_status( items, ["discount",], ["discount", "discount__description",], ) headings = [ "Discount", "Paid", "Reserved", "Unreserved", "Refunded", ] data = [] for item in items: data.append([ item["discount__description"], item["total_paid"], item["total_reserved"], item["total_unreserved"], item["total_refunded"], ]) return ListReport("Usage by item", headings, data) @report_view("Paid invoices by date", form_type=forms.ProductAndCategoryForm) def paid_invoices_by_date(request, form): ''' Shows the number of paid invoices containing given products or categories per day. ''' products = form.cleaned_data["product"] categories = form.cleaned_data["category"] invoices = commerce.Invoice.objects.filter( Q(lineitem__product__in=products) | Q(lineitem__product__category__in=categories), status=commerce.Invoice.STATUS_PAID, ) payments = commerce.PaymentBase.objects.all() payments = payments.filter( invoice__in=invoices, ) payments = payments.order_by("invoice") invoice_max_time = payments.values("invoice").annotate(max_time=Max("time")) by_date = collections.defaultdict(int) for line in invoice_max_time: time = line["max_time"] date = datetime.datetime( year=time.year, month=time.month, ) by_date[date] += 1 data = [(date, count) for date, count in sorted(by_date.items())] data = [(date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), count) for date, count in data] return ListReport( "Paid Invoices By Date", ["date", "count"], data, ) @report_view("Credit notes") def credit_notes(request, form): ''' Shows all of the credit notes in the system. ''' notes = commerce.CreditNote.objects.all().select_related( "creditnoterefund", "creditnoteapplication", "invoice", "invoice__user__attendee__attendeeprofilebase", ) return QuerysetReport( "Credit Notes", ["id", "invoice__user__attendee__attendeeprofilebase__invoice_recipient", "status", "value"], # NOQA notes, headings=["id", "Owner", "Status", "Value"], link_view=views.credit_note, ) @report_view("Attendee", form_type=forms.UserIdForm) def attendee(request, form, user_id=None): ''' Returns a list of all manifested attendees if no attendee is specified, else displays the attendee manifest. ''' if user_id is None and not form.has_changed(): return attendee_list(request) if form.cleaned_data["user"] is not None: user_id = form.cleaned_data["user"] attendee = people.Attendee.objects.get(user__id=user_id) name = attendee.attendeeprofilebase.attendee_name() reports = [] profile_data = [] profile = people.AttendeeProfileBase.objects.get_subclass( attendee=attendee ) exclude = set(["attendeeprofilebase_ptr", "id"]) for field in profile._meta.get_fields(): if in exclude: # Not actually important continue if not hasattr(field, "verbose_name"): continue # Not a publicly visible field value = getattr(profile, profile_data.append((field.verbose_name, value)) reports.append(ListReport("Profile", ["", ""], profile_data)) links = [] links.append(( reverse(views.amend_registration, args=[user_id]), "Amend current cart", )) reports.append(Links("Actions for " + name, links)) # Paid and pending products ic = ItemController(attendee.user) reports.append(ListReport( "Paid Products", ["Product", "Quantity"], [(pq.product, pq.quantity) for pq in ic.items_purchased()], )) reports.append(ListReport( "Unpaid Products", ["Product", "Quantity"], [(pq.product, pq.quantity) for pq in ic.items_pending()], )) # Invoices invoices = commerce.Invoice.objects.filter( user=attendee.user, ) reports.append(QuerysetReport( "Invoices", ["id", "get_status_display", "value"], invoices, headings=["Invoice ID", "Status", "Value"], link_view=views.invoice, )) # Credit Notes credit_notes = commerce.CreditNote.objects.filter( invoice__user=attendee.user, ) reports.append(QuerysetReport( "Credit Notes", ["id", "status", "value"], credit_notes, link_view=views.credit_note, )) # All payments payments = commerce.PaymentBase.objects.filter( invoice__user=attendee.user, ) reports.append(QuerysetReport( "Payments", ["invoice__id", "id", "reference", "amount"], payments, link_view=views.invoice, )) return reports def attendee_list(request): ''' Returns a list of all attendees. ''' attendees = people.Attendee.objects.all().select_related( "attendeeprofilebase", "user", ) attendees = attendees.annotate( has_registered=Count( Q(user__invoice__status=commerce.Invoice.STATUS_PAID) ), ) headings = [ "User ID", "Name", "Email", "Has registered", ] data = [] for a in attendees: data.append([, a.attendeeprofilebase.attendee_name(),, a.has_registered > 0, ]) # Sort by whether they've registered, then ID. data.sort(key=lambda a: (-a[3], a[0])) class Report(ListReport): def get_link(self, argument): return reverse(self._link_view) + "?user=%d" % int(argument) return Report("Attendees", headings, data, link_view=attendee)