Schedule App =========== The ``schedule`` app allows staff members to create the schedule for the conference's presentations, breaks, lunches, etc. The ```schedule``` app has a number of models that facilitate building the structured schedule: * Schedule: A high level container that maps to each Conference Section. * Day: A Day associated with a Schedule. * Room: A Room associated with a Schedule. * Slot Kind: A type of Slot associated with a Schedule. * Slot: A discrete time period for a Schedule. * Slot Room: A mapping of a Room and Slot for a given Schedule. * Presentation: A mapping of a Slot to an approved Proposal from the ```proposals``` app. Schedule Builder Form --------------------- It can be cumbersome to generate a schedule through the admin. With that in mind, a generic schedule builder is available via a Schedule's edit view. For instance, if a Conference site has a Talks Section and Schedule, the form would be available for Staff at:: /schedule/talks/edit .. hint:: Just to reiterate: before this form will work, you must create a ``Section`` (``admin/symposion_conference/section/``) with the slug ``talks``; and a ``Schedule`` (``admin/symposion_schedule/schedule``) for that ``Section`` The form consumes a structured CSV file, from which it will build the schedule. Sample CSV data is included below:: "date","time_start","time_end","kind"," room " "01/24/2018","09:00 am","10:10 am","plenary","CB01.05.009" "01/24/2018","10:10 am","10:45 am","break","CB01.05.009" "01/24/2018","10:45 am","11:30 am","talk","CB01.05.009" "01/24/2018","10:45 am","11:30 am","talk","CB06.03.28" "01/24/2018","10:45 am","11:30 am","talk","CB11.00.405" "01/24/2018","10:45 am","11:30 am","talk","CB11.00.401" .. important:: It is worth noting that this generates the **structure** of the schedule. It does not create Presentation objects. This will need to be done manually. .. tip:: Sessions such as the ``plenary`` and ``break`` which need to be exlusive will need to be flagged this way in the admin (``/admin/symposion_schedule/slot/``) One can also **delete** an existing schedule via the delete action. This is irreversible (save for a database restore).