Proposals App ============= Models ------ ProposalSection ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Recall that a symposion instance consists of one or more ``Conference``s each made up of one or more ``Section``s. Different sections can have different open / close dates for proposals. This is managed through a ``ProposalSection`` which is a one-to-one with ``Section`` where you can define a ``start`` date, an ``end`` date and/or simply toggle proposals for the section ``closed``. A section is available for proposals iff: * it is after the ``start`` (if there is one) and * it is before the ``end`` (if there is one) and * ``closed`` is NULL or False In other words, ``closed`` can be used as an override, regardless of ``start`` and ``end`` and, if you want, you can just manually use ``closed`` rather than setting dates. This model is currently managed by conference staff via the Django admin although given it's part of "conference setup", it may often just be a fixture that's loaded. ProposalKind ~~~~~~~~~~~~ A conference, even within a section, may have different kinds of presentations, e.g. talks, panels, tutorials, posters. If these have different requirements for what fields should be in the proposal form, they should be modeled as different ``ProposalKind``s. For example, you may want talk proposals to include an intended audience level but not require that for poster submissions. Note that if you have different deadlines, reviews, etc. you'll want to distinguish the **section** as well as the kind. This model is currently managed by conference staff via the Django admin although given it's part of "conference setup", it may often just be a fixture that's loaded. ProposalBase ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Each proposal kind should have a subclass of ``ProposalBase`` defining the fields for proposals of that kind. We discuss below how that association is made. ``ProposalBase`` provides fields for a ``title``, a single-paragraph plain-text ``description`` and an ``abstract`` which can contain markup. There is also an ``additional_notes`` field which can be used for speakers to communicate additional information about their proposal to reviewers that is not intended to be shared with others. This base model supports each proposal having multiple speakers (although the submitting speaker is always treated differently) and also supports the attachments of supporting documents for reviewers that are, like the ``additional_notes`` not intended to be shared with others. A ``cancelled`` boolean field is also provided to indicate that a proposal has been cancelled or withdrawn. AdditionalSpeaker ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Used for modeling the additional speakers on a proposal in additional to the submitting speaker. The status of an additional speaker may be ``Pending``, ``Accepted`` or ``Declined``. .. todo:: see note in speakers docs about explaining the flow SupportingDocument ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Used for modeling the supporting documents that can be attached to a proposal. How to Add Custom Proposal Kinds -------------------------------- For each kind: * create a ``ProposalKind`` instance * subclass ``ProposalBase`` and add the fields you want * define a Django ``ModelForm`` for proposals of that kind * make sure your settings file has a ``PROPOSAL_FORMS`` dictionary that maps the slug of your ``ProposalKind`` to the fully-qualified name of your ``ModelForm``. For example:: PROPOSAL_FORMS = { "tutorial": "pycon.forms.PyConTutorialProposalForm", "talk": "pycon.forms.PyConTalkProposalForm", "poster": "pycon.forms.PyConPosterProposalForm", }