import forms import views from collections import namedtuple from django.contrib.auth.decorators import user_passes_test from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.db import models from django.db.models import F, Q from django.db.models import Sum from django.db.models import Case, When, Value from django.http import Http404 from django.shortcuts import render from functools import wraps from models import commerce from models import inventory from reporting.reports import get_all_reports from reporting.reports import Report from reporting.reports import report_view @user_passes_test(views._staff_only) def reports_list(request): ''' Lists all of the reports currently available. ''' reports = [] for report in get_all_reports(): reports.append({ "name" : report.__name__, "url" : reverse(report), "description" : report.__doc__, }) reports.sort(key=lambda report: report["name"]) ctx = { "reports" : reports, } return render(request, "registrasion/reports_list.html", ctx) # Report functions @report_view("Paid items", forms.ProductAndCategoryForm) def items_sold(request, form): ''' Summarises the items sold and discounts granted for a given set of products, or products from categories. ''' data = None headings = None products = form.cleaned_data["product"] categories = form.cleaned_data["category"] line_items = commerce.LineItem.objects.filter( Q(product__in=products) | Q(product__category__in=categories), invoice__status=commerce.Invoice.STATUS_PAID, ).select_related("invoice") line_items = line_items.order_by( # sqlite requires an order_by for .values() to work "-price", "description", ).values( "price", "description", ).annotate( total_quantity=Sum("quantity"), ) print line_items headings = ["Description", "Quantity", "Price", "Total"] data = [] total_income = 0 for line in line_items: cost = line["total_quantity"] * line["price"] data.append([ line["description"], line["total_quantity"], line["price"], cost, ]) total_income += cost data.append([ "(TOTAL)", "--", "--", total_income, ]) return Report("Paid items", headings, data) @report_view("Inventory", forms.ProductAndCategoryForm) def inventory(request, form): ''' Summarises the inventory status of the given items, grouping by invoice status. ''' products = form.cleaned_data["product"] categories = form.cleaned_data["category"] items = commerce.ProductItem.objects.filter( Q(product__in=products) | Q(product__category__in=categories), ).select_related("cart", "product") items = items.annotate( is_reserved=Case( When(cart__in=commerce.Cart.reserved_carts(), then=Value(1)), default=Value(0), output_field=models.BooleanField(), ), ) items = items.order_by( "product__category__order", "product__order", ).values( "product", "product__category__name", "product__name", ).annotate( total_paid=Sum(Case( When( cart__status=commerce.Cart.STATUS_PAID, then=F("quantity"), ), default=Value(0), )), total_refunded=Sum(Case( When( cart__status=commerce.Cart.STATUS_RELEASED, then=F("quantity"), ), default=Value(0), )), total_unreserved=Sum(Case( When( ( Q(cart__status=commerce.Cart.STATUS_ACTIVE) & Q(is_reserved=False) ), then=F("quantity"), ), default=Value(0), )), total_reserved=Sum(Case( When( ( Q(cart__status=commerce.Cart.STATUS_ACTIVE) & Q(is_reserved=True) ), then=F("quantity"), ), default=Value(0), )), ) headings = [ "Product", "Paid", "Reserved", "Unreserved", "Refunded", ] data = [] for item in items: data.append([ "%s - %s" % ( item["product__category__name"], item["product__name"] ), item["total_paid"], item["total_reserved"], item["total_unreserved"], item["total_refunded"], ]) return Report("Inventory", headings, data)