import datetime import zipfile import os import logging import subprocess from django.contrib import messages from . import forms from . import util from .models import commerce from .models import inventory from .models import people from .controllers.batch import BatchController from .controllers.cart import CartController from .controllers.category import CategoryController from .controllers.credit_note import CreditNoteController from import DiscountController from .controllers.invoice import InvoiceController from .controllers.item import ItemController from .controllers.product import ProductController from .exceptions import CartValidationError from collections import namedtuple from django import forms as django_forms from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.contrib.auth.decorators import user_passes_test from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.contrib import messages from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.core.mail import send_mass_mail from django.http import Http404, HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import redirect from django.shortcuts import render from django.template import Context, Template, loader from django.urls import reverse import waffle from lxml import etree from copy import deepcopy from registrasion.forms import BadgeForm, ticket_selection from registrasion.contrib.badger import ( collate, svg_badge, InvalidTicketChoiceError ) _GuidedRegistrationSection = namedtuple( "GuidedRegistrationSection", ( "title", "discounts", "description", "form", ) ) @util.all_arguments_optional class GuidedRegistrationSection(_GuidedRegistrationSection): ''' Represents a section of a guided registration page. Attributes: title (str): The title of the section. discounts ([, ...]): A list of discount objects that are available in the section. You can display ``.clause`` to show what the discount applies to, and ``.quantity`` to display the number of times that discount can be applied. description (str): A description of the section. form (forms.Form): A form to display. ''' pass @login_required def guided_registration(request, page_number=None): ''' Goes through the registration process in order, making sure user sees all valid categories. The user must be logged in to see this view. Parameter: page_number: 1) Profile form (and e-mail address?) 2) Ticket type 3) T&C Consent 4) Remaining products 5) Mark registration as complete Returns: render: Renders ``registrasion/guided_registration.html``, with the following data:: { "previous_step": int(), # Previous step "current_step": int(), # The current step in the # registration "sections": sections, # A list of # GuidedRegistrationSections "title": str(), # The title of the page "total_steps": int(), # The total number of steps } ''' PAGE_PROFILE = 1 PAGE_TICKET = 2 PAGE_TERMS = 3 PAGE_PRODUCTS = 4 PAGE_PRODUCTS_MAX = 5 TOTAL_PAGES = 5 ticket_category = inventory.Category.objects.get( id=settings.TICKET_PRODUCT_CATEGORY ) cart = CartController.for_user(request.user) attendee = people.Attendee.get_instance(request.user) # This guided registration process is only for people who have # not completed registration (and has confusing behaviour if you go # back to it.) if attendee.completed_registration: return redirect(review) # Calculate the current maximum page number for this user. has_profile = hasattr(attendee, "attendeeprofilebase") if not has_profile: # If there's no profile, they have to go to the profile page. max_page = PAGE_PROFILE redirect_page = PAGE_PROFILE else: # We have a profile. # Do they have a ticket? products = inventory.Product.objects.filter( productitem__cart=cart.cart ) tickets = products.filter(category=ticket_category) if tickets.count() == 0: # If no ticket, they can only see the profile or ticket page. max_page = PAGE_TICKET redirect_page = PAGE_TICKET elif products.count() == 1: # They have a ticket, now to accept terms and conditions max_page = PAGE_TERMS redirect_page = PAGE_TERMS else: # If there's a ticket, they should *see* the general products page# # but be able to go to the overflow page if needs be. max_page = PAGE_PRODUCTS_MAX redirect_page = PAGE_PRODUCTS if page_number is None or int(page_number) > max_page: return redirect("guided_registration", redirect_page) page_number = int(page_number) prev_step = page_number - 1 next_step = redirect("guided_registration", page_number + 1) with BatchController.batch(request.user): # This view doesn't work if the conference has sold out. available = ProductController.available_products( request.user, category=ticket_category ) if not available: messages.error(request, "There are no more tickets available.") return redirect("dashboard") sections = [] # Build up the list of sections if page_number == PAGE_PROFILE: # Profile bit title = "Attendee information" sections = _guided_registration_profile_and_voucher(request) elif page_number == PAGE_TICKET: # Select ticket title = "Select ticket type" sections = _guided_registration_products( request, GUIDED_MODE_TICKETS_ONLY ) elif page_number == PAGE_TERMS: # Accept terms title = "Terms and Conditions" sections = _guided_registration_products( request, GUIDED_MODE_TERMS ) elif page_number == PAGE_PRODUCTS: # Select additional items title = "Additional items" sections = _guided_registration_products( request, GUIDED_MODE_ALL_ADDITIONAL ) elif page_number == PAGE_PRODUCTS_MAX: # Items enabled by things on page 3 -- only shows things # that have not been marked as complete. title = "More additional items" sections = _guided_registration_products( request, GUIDED_MODE_EXCLUDE_COMPLETE ) if not sections: # We've filled in every category attendee.completed_registration = True return redirect("review") if sections and request.method == "POST": for section in sections: if section.form.errors: break else: # We've successfully processed everything return next_step data = { "previous_step": prev_step, "current_step": page_number, "sections": sections, "title": title, "total_steps": TOTAL_PAGES, } return render(request, "registrasion/guided_registration.html", data) GUIDED_MODE_TICKETS_ONLY = 2 GUIDED_MODE_TERMS = 3 GUIDED_MODE_ALL_ADDITIONAL = 4 GUIDED_MODE_EXCLUDE_COMPLETE =5 @login_required def _guided_registration_products(request, mode): sections = [] SESSION_KEY = "guided_registration" MODE_KEY = "mode" CATS_KEY = "cats" attendee = people.Attendee.get_instance(request.user) # Get the next category cats = inventory.Category.objects.order_by("order") # TODO: default order? # Fun story: If _any_ of the category forms result in an error, but other # new products get enabled with a flag, those new products will appear. # We need to make sure that we only display the products that were valid # in the first place. So we track them in a session, and refresh only if # the page number does not change. Cheap! if SESSION_KEY in request.session: session_struct = request.session[SESSION_KEY] old_mode = session_struct[MODE_KEY] old_cats = session_struct[CATS_KEY] else: old_mode = None old_cats = [] if mode == old_mode: cats = cats.filter(id__in=old_cats) elif mode == GUIDED_MODE_TICKETS_ONLY: cats = cats.filter(id=settings.TICKET_PRODUCT_CATEGORY) elif mode == GUIDED_MODE_ALL_ADDITIONAL: cats = cats.exclude(id=settings.TICKET_PRODUCT_CATEGORY) cats = cats.exclude(id=settings.TERMS_PRODUCT_CATEGORY) elif mode == GUIDED_MODE_EXCLUDE_COMPLETE: cats = cats.exclude(id=settings.TICKET_PRODUCT_CATEGORY) cats = cats.exclude(id__in=old_cats) # We update the session key at the end of this method # once we've found all the categories that have available products all_products = inventory.Product.objects.filter( category__in=cats, ).select_related("category") seen_categories = [] with BatchController.batch(request.user): available_products = set(ProductController.available_products( request.user, products=all_products, )) if len(available_products) == 0: return [] has_errors = False for category in cats: products = [ i for i in available_products if i.category == category ] prefix = "category_" + str( p = _handle_products(request, category, products, prefix) products_form, discounts, products_handled = p section = GuidedRegistrationSection(, description=category.description, discounts=discounts, form=products_form, ) if products: # This product category has items to show. sections.append(section) seen_categories.append(category) # Update the cache with the newly calculated values cat_ids = [ for cat in seen_categories] request.session[SESSION_KEY] = {MODE_KEY: mode, CATS_KEY: cat_ids} return sections @login_required def _guided_registration_profile_and_voucher(request): voucher_form, voucher_handled = _handle_voucher(request, "voucher") profile_form, profile_handled = _handle_profile(request, "profile") voucher_section = GuidedRegistrationSection( title="Voucher Code", form=voucher_form, ) profile_section = GuidedRegistrationSection( title="Profile and Personal Information", form=profile_form, description=("
You can come back and edit these details any time before January 15, " "2018.
"), ) return [voucher_section, profile_section] @login_required def review(request): ''' View for the review page. ''' return render( request, "registrasion/review.html", {}, ) @login_required def edit_profile(request): ''' View for editing an attendee's profile The user must be logged in to edit their profile. Returns: redirect or render: In the case of a ``POST`` request, it'll redirect to ``dashboard``, or otherwise, it will render ``registrasion/profile_form.html`` with data:: { "form": form, # Instance of ATTENDEE_PROFILE_FORM. } ''' if hasattr(request.user, "checkin"): if request.user.checkin.checked_in_bool: messages.add_message( request, messages.ERROR, 'Profile cannot be edited. Please email ' 'if you need any changes to your profile.') return redirect(reverse('dashboard')) form, handled = _handle_profile(request, "profile") if handled and not form.errors: messages.success( request, "Your attendee profile was updated.", ) return redirect("dashboard") data = { "form": form, } return render(request, "registrasion/profile_form.html", data) # Define the attendee profile form, or get a default. try: ProfileForm = util.get_object_from_name(settings.ATTENDEE_PROFILE_FORM) except: class ProfileForm(django_forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = util.get_object_from_name(settings.ATTENDEE_PROFILE_MODEL) exclude = ["attendee"] def _handle_profile(request, prefix): ''' Returns a profile form instance, and a boolean which is true if the form was handled. ''' attendee = people.Attendee.get_instance(request.user) try: profile = attendee.attendeeprofilebase profile = people.AttendeeProfileBase.objects.get_subclass(, ) except ObjectDoesNotExist: profile = None # Load a pre-entered name from the speaker's profile, # if they have one. try: speaker_profile = request.user.speaker_profile speaker_name = except ObjectDoesNotExist: speaker_name = None name_field = ProfileForm.Meta.model.name_field() initial = {} if profile is None and name_field is not None: initial[name_field] = speaker_name form = ProfileForm( request.POST or None, initial=initial, instance=profile, prefix=prefix ) handled = True if request.POST else False if request.POST and form.is_valid(): form.instance.attendee = attendee return form, handled @login_required def product_category(request, category_id): ''' Form for selecting products from an individual product category. Arguments: category_id (castable to int): The id of the category to display. Returns: redirect or render: If the form has been sucessfully submitted, redirect to ``dashboard``. Otherwise, render ``registrasion/product_category.html`` with data:: { "category": category, # An inventory.Category for # category_id "discounts": discounts, # A list of # DiscountAndQuantity "form": products_form, # A form for selecting # products "voucher_form": voucher_form, # A form for entering a # voucher code } ''' PRODUCTS_FORM_PREFIX = "products" VOUCHERS_FORM_PREFIX = "vouchers" # Handle the voucher form *before* listing products. # Products can change as vouchers are entered. v = _handle_voucher(request, VOUCHERS_FORM_PREFIX) voucher_form, voucher_handled = v category_id = int(category_id) # Routing is [0-9]+ category = inventory.Category.objects.get(pk=category_id) with BatchController.batch(request.user): products = ProductController.available_products( request.user, category=category, ) if not products: messages.warning( request, ( "There are no products available from category: " + ), ) return redirect("dashboard") p = _handle_products(request, category, products, PRODUCTS_FORM_PREFIX) products_form, discounts, products_handled = p if request.POST and not voucher_handled and not products_form.errors: # Only return to the dashboard if we didn't add a voucher code # and if there's no errors in the products form if products_form.has_changed(): messages.success( request, "Your reservations have been updated.", ) return redirect(review) data = { "category": category, "discounts": discounts, "form": products_form, "voucher_form": voucher_form, } return render(request, "registrasion/product_category.html", data) def voucher_code(request): ''' A view *just* for entering a voucher form. ''' VOUCHERS_FORM_PREFIX = "vouchers" # Handle the voucher form *before* listing products. # Products can change as vouchers are entered. v = _handle_voucher(request, VOUCHERS_FORM_PREFIX) voucher_form, voucher_handled = v if voucher_handled: messages.success(request, "Your voucher code was accepted.") return redirect("dashboard") data = { "voucher_form": voucher_form, } return render(request, "registrasion/voucher_code.html", data) def _handle_products(request, category, products, prefix): ''' Handles a products list form in the given request. Returns the form instance, the discounts applicable to this form, and whether the contents were handled. ''' current_cart = CartController.for_user(request.user) ProductsForm = forms.ProductsForm(category, products) # Create initial data for each of products in category items = commerce.ProductItem.objects.filter( product__in=products, cart=current_cart.cart, ).select_related("product") quantities = [] seen = set() for item in items: quantities.append((item.product, item.quantity)) seen.add(item.product) zeros = set(products) - seen for product in zeros: quantities.append((product, 0)) products_form = ProductsForm( request.POST or None, product_quantities=quantities, prefix=prefix, ) if request.method == "POST" and products_form.is_valid(): if products_form.has_changed(): _set_quantities_from_products_form(products_form, current_cart) # If category is required, the user must have at least one # in an active+valid cart if category.required: carts = commerce.Cart.objects.filter(user=request.user, status=commerce.Cart.STATUS_ACTIVE) items = commerce.ProductItem.objects.filter( product__category=category, cart=current_cart.cart, ) if len(items) == 0: products_form.add_error( None, "You must have at least one item from this category", ) handled = False if products_form.errors else True # Making this a function to lazily evaluate when it's displayed # in templates. discounts = util.lazy( DiscountController.available_discounts, request.user, [], products, ) return products_form, discounts, handled def _set_quantities_from_products_form(products_form, current_cart): # Makes id_to_quantity, a dictionary from product ID to its quantity quantities = list(products_form.product_quantities()) id_to_quantity = dict(quantities) # Get the actual product objects pks = [i[0] for i in quantities] products = inventory.Product.objects.filter( id__in=pks, ).select_related("category").order_by("id") quantities.sort(key=lambda i: i[0]) # Match the product objects to their quantities product_quantities = [ (product, id_to_quantity[]) for product in products ] try: current_cart.set_quantities(product_quantities) except CartValidationError as ve: for ve_field in ve.error_list: product, message = ve_field.message products_form.add_product_error(product, message) def _handle_voucher(request, prefix): ''' Handles a voucher form in the given request. Returns the voucher form instance, and whether the voucher code was handled. ''' voucher_form = forms.VoucherForm(request.POST or None, prefix=prefix) current_cart = CartController.for_user(request.user) if (voucher_form.is_valid() and voucher_form.cleaned_data["voucher"].strip()): voucher = voucher_form.cleaned_data["voucher"] voucher = inventory.Voucher.normalise_code(voucher) if len(current_cart.cart.vouchers.filter(code=voucher)) > 0: # This voucher has already been applied to this cart. # Do not apply code handled = False else: try: current_cart.apply_voucher(voucher) except Exception as e: voucher_form.add_error("voucher", e) handled = True else: handled = False return (voucher_form, handled) @login_required def checkout(request, user_id=None): ''' Runs the checkout process for the current cart. If the query string contains ``fix_errors=true``, Registrasion will attempt to fix errors preventing the system from checking out, including by cancelling expired discounts and vouchers, and removing any unavailable products. Arguments: user_id (castable to int): If the requesting user is staff, then the user ID can be used to run checkout for another user. Returns: render or redirect: If the invoice is generated successfully, or there's already a valid invoice for the current cart, redirect to ``invoice``. If there are errors when generating the invoice, render ``registrasion/checkout_errors.html`` with the following data:: { "error_list", [str, ...] # The errors to display. } ''' if user_id is not None: if request.user.is_staff: user = User.objects.get(id=int(user_id)) else: raise Http404() else: user = request.user current_cart = CartController.for_user(user) if "fix_errors" in request.GET and request.GET["fix_errors"] == "true": current_cart.fix_simple_errors() try: current_invoice = InvoiceController.for_cart(current_cart.cart) except ValidationError as ve: return _checkout_errors(request, ve) return redirect("invoice", def _checkout_errors(request, errors): error_list = [] for error in errors.error_list: if isinstance(error, tuple): error = error[1] error_list.append(error) data = { "error_list": error_list, } return render(request, "registrasion/checkout_errors.html", data) def invoice_access(request, access_code): ''' Redirects to an invoice for the attendee that matches the given access code, if any. If the attendee has multiple invoices, we use the following tie-break: - If there's an unpaid invoice, show that, otherwise - If there's a paid invoice, show the most recent one, otherwise - Show the most recent invoid of all Arguments: access_code (castable to int): The access code for the user whose invoice you want to see. Returns: redirect: Redirect to the selected invoice for that user. Raises: Http404: If the user has no invoices. ''' invoices = commerce.Invoice.objects.filter( user__attendee__access_code=access_code, ).order_by("-issue_time") if not invoices: raise Http404() unpaid = invoices.filter(status=commerce.Invoice.STATUS_UNPAID) paid = invoices.filter(status=commerce.Invoice.STATUS_PAID) if unpaid: invoice = unpaid[0] # (should only be 1 unpaid invoice?) elif paid: invoice = paid[0] # Most recent paid invoice else: invoice = invoices[0] # Most recent of any invoices return redirect("invoice",, access_code) def invoice(request, invoice_id, access_code=None): ''' Displays an invoice. This view is not authenticated, but it will only allow access to either: the user the invoice belongs to; staff; or a request made with the correct access code. Arguments: invoice_id (castable to int): The invoice_id for the invoice you want to view. access_code (Optional[str]): The access code for the user who owns this invoice. Returns: render: Renders ``registrasion/invoice.html``, with the following data:: { "invoice": models.commerce.Invoice(), } Raises: Http404: if the current user cannot view this invoice and the correct access_code is not provided. ''' current_invoice = InvoiceController.for_id_or_404(invoice_id) if not current_invoice.can_view( user=request.user, access_code=access_code, ): raise Http404() data = { "invoice": current_invoice.invoice, } return render(request, "registrasion/invoice.html", data) def _staff_only(user): ''' Returns true if the user is staff. ''' return user.is_staff @user_passes_test(_staff_only) def manual_payment(request, invoice_id): ''' Allows staff to make manual payments or refunds on an invoice. This form requires a login, and the logged in user needs to be staff. Arguments: invoice_id (castable to int): The invoice ID to be paid Returns: render: Renders ``registrasion/manual_payment.html`` with the following data:: { "invoice": models.commerce.Invoice(), "form": form, # A form that saves a ``ManualPayment`` # object. } ''' FORM_PREFIX = "manual_payment" current_invoice = InvoiceController.for_id_or_404(invoice_id) form = forms.ManualPaymentForm( request.POST or None, prefix=FORM_PREFIX, ) if request.POST and form.is_valid(): form.instance.invoice = current_invoice.invoice form.instance.entered_by = request.user current_invoice.update_status() form = forms.ManualPaymentForm(prefix=FORM_PREFIX) data = { "invoice": current_invoice.invoice, "form": form, } return render(request, "registrasion/manual_payment.html", data) @user_passes_test(_staff_only) def refund(request, invoice_id): ''' Marks an invoice as refunded and requests a credit note for the full amount paid against the invoice. This view requires a login, and the logged in user must be staff. Arguments: invoice_id (castable to int): The ID of the invoice to refund. Returns: redirect: Redirects to ``invoice``. ''' current_invoice = InvoiceController.for_id_or_404(invoice_id) try: current_invoice.refund() messages.success(request, "This invoice has been refunded.") except ValidationError as ve: messages.error(request, ve) return redirect("invoice", invoice_id) @user_passes_test(_staff_only) def credit_note(request, note_id, access_code=None): ''' Displays a credit note. If ``request`` is a ``POST`` request, forms for applying or refunding a credit note will be processed. This view requires a login, and the logged in user must be staff. Arguments: note_id (castable to int): The ID of the credit note to view. Returns: render or redirect: If the "apply to invoice" form is correctly processed, redirect to that invoice, otherwise, render ``registration/credit_note.html`` with the following data:: { "credit_note": models.commerce.CreditNote(), "apply_form": form, # A form for applying credit note # to an invoice. "refund_form": form, # A form for applying a *manual* # refund of the credit note. "cancellation_fee_form" : form, # A form for generating an # invoice with a # cancellation fee } ''' note_id = int(note_id) current_note = CreditNoteController.for_id_or_404(note_id) apply_form = forms.ApplyCreditNoteForm( current_note.credit_note.invoice.user, request.POST or None, prefix="apply_note" ) refund_form = forms.ManualCreditNoteRefundForm( request.POST or None, prefix="refund_note" ) cancellation_fee_form = forms.CancellationFeeForm( request.POST or None, prefix="cancellation_fee" ) if request.POST and apply_form.is_valid(): inv_id = apply_form.cleaned_data["invoice"] invoice = commerce.Invoice.objects.get(pk=inv_id) current_note.apply_to_invoice(invoice) messages.success( request, "Applied credit note %d to invoice." % note_id, ) return redirect("invoice", elif request.POST and refund_form.is_valid(): refund_form.instance.entered_by = request.user refund_form.instance.parent = current_note.credit_note messages.success( request, "Applied manual refund to credit note." ) refund_form = forms.ManualCreditNoteRefundForm( prefix="refund_note", ) elif request.POST and cancellation_fee_form.is_valid(): percentage = cancellation_fee_form.cleaned_data["percentage"] invoice = current_note.cancellation_fee(percentage) messages.success( request, "Generated cancellation fee for credit note %d." % note_id, ) return redirect("invoice", data = { "credit_note": current_note.credit_note, "apply_form": apply_form, "refund_form": refund_form, "cancellation_fee_form": cancellation_fee_form, } return render(request, "registrasion/credit_note.html", data) @user_passes_test(_staff_only) def amend_registration(request, user_id): ''' Allows staff to amend a user's current registration cart, and etc etc. ''' user = User.objects.get(id=int(user_id)) current_cart = CartController.for_user(user) voucher_form = forms.VoucherForm( request.POST or None, prefix="voucher", ) if request.POST and voucher_form.has_changed() and voucher_form.is_valid(): try: current_cart.apply_voucher(voucher_form.cleaned_data["voucher"]) return redirect(amend_registration, user_id) except ValidationError as ve: voucher_form.add_error(None, ve) items = commerce.ProductItem.objects.filter( cart=current_cart.cart, ).select_related("product") initial = [{"product": i.product, "quantity": i.quantity} for i in items] StaffProductsFormSet = forms.staff_products_formset_factory(user) formset = StaffProductsFormSet( request.POST or None, initial=initial, prefix="products", ) for item, form in zip(items, formset): queryset = inventory.Product.objects.filter( form.fields["product"].queryset = queryset if request.POST and formset.is_valid(): pq = [ (f.cleaned_data["product"], f.cleaned_data["quantity"]) for f in formset if "product" in f.cleaned_data and f.cleaned_data["product"] is not None ] try: current_cart.set_quantities(pq) return redirect(amend_registration, user_id) except ValidationError as ve: for ve_field in ve.error_list: product, message = ve_field.message for form in formset: if "product" not in form.cleaned_data: # This is the empty form. continue if form.cleaned_data["product"] == product: form.add_error("quantity", message) ic = ItemController(user) data = { "user": user, "paid": ic.items_purchased(), "cancelled": ic.items_released(), "form": formset, "voucher_form": voucher_form, } return render(request, "registrasion/amend_registration.html", data) @user_passes_test(_staff_only) def extend_reservation(request, user_id, days=7): ''' Allows staff to extend the reservation on a given user's cart. ''' user = User.objects.get(id=int(user_id)) cart = CartController.for_user(user) cart.extend_reservation(datetime.timedelta(days=days)) return redirect(request.META["HTTP_REFERER"]) Email = namedtuple( "Email", ("subject", "body", "from_email", "recipient_list"), ) @user_passes_test(_staff_only) def invoice_mailout(request): ''' Allows staff to send emails to users based on their invoice status. ''' category = request.GET.getlist("category", []) product = request.GET.getlist("product", []) status = request.GET.get("status") form = forms.InvoiceEmailForm( request.POST or None, category=category, product=product, status=status, ) emails = [] if form.is_valid(): emails = [] for invoice in form.cleaned_data["invoice"]: # datatuple = (subject, message, from_email, recipient_list) from_email = form.cleaned_data["from_email"] subject = form.cleaned_data["subject"] body = Template(form.cleaned_data["body"]).render( Context({ "invoice": invoice, "user": invoice.user, }) ) recipient_list = [] emails.append(Email(subject, body, from_email, recipient_list)) if form.cleaned_data["action"] == forms.InvoiceEmailForm.ACTION_SEND: # Send e-mails *ONLY* if we're sending. send_mass_mail(emails), "The e-mails have been sent.") data = { "form": form, "emails": emails, } return render(request, "registrasion/invoice_mailout.html", data) def _get_badge_template_name(): return os.path.join(settings.PROJECT_ROOT, 'pinaxcon', 'templates', settings.BADGER_DEFAULT_SVG) @login_required def user_badge(request, format="png"): '''Shows the logged-in user their badge''' if waffle.flag_is_active(request, "force_badge_overlay"): overlay=True else: overlay=False return render_badge(request.user, format, overlay, request) @user_passes_test(_staff_only) def badge(request, user_id, format="png"): ''' Renders a single user's badge (PNG). ''' user_id = int(user_id) user = User.objects.get(pk=user_id) return render_badge(user, format) def _convert_img(img, outformat="png",dpi=200,width=None): if hasattr(img, "encode"): #a string, or a SafeText img=img.encode() width = width or dpi*5.83 #5.83 inches in A6 portrait conversion_cmdline = [ "convert", "-density",str(dpi), "-resize",str(width), ] if outformat=="png": conversion_cmdline.extend(["-background","white", "-flatten"]) conversion_cmdline.extend(["-", "{}:-".format(outformat)]) out =, input=img, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout return out def render_badge(user, format="png", overlay=False, request=None): if request and waffle.flag_is_active(request, "force_badge_overlay"): overlay=True rendered = render_badge_svg(user, overlay=overlay) if format == "png": rendered = _convert_img(rendered, outformat="png") elif format == "pdf": rendered = _convert_img(rendered, outformat="pdf") response = HttpResponse(rendered) if format == "svg": response["Content-Type"] = "image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8" response["Content-Disposition"] = 'inline; filename="badge.svg"' elif format == "png": response["Content-Type"] = "image/png" response["Content-Disposition"] = 'inline; filename="badge.png"' elif format == "pdf": response["Content-Type"] = "application/pdf" response["Content-Disposition"] = 'inline; filename="badge.pdf"' return response def render_badge_svg(user, overlay=False): ''' Renders a single user's badge as SVG. ''' data = { "user": user, "overlay": overlay } if overlay: template = 'registrasion/badge_overlay.svg' else: template = 'registrasion/badge.svg' t = loader.get_template(template) return t.render(data) def badges(request): ''' *** NOT USED FOR PYCONAU 2017 MELBOURNE (I.e., not supported in badger module.) *** Either displays a form containing a list of users with badges to render, or returns a .zip file containing their badges. ''' category = request.GET.getlist("category", []) product = request.GET.getlist("product", []) status = request.GET.get("status") form = forms.InvoicesWithProductAndStatusForm( request.POST or None, category=category, product=product, status=status, ) if form.is_valid(): response = HttpResponse() response["Content-Type"] = "" response["Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename=""' z = zipfile.ZipFile(response, "w") for invoice in form.cleaned_data["invoice"]: user = invoice.user badge = render_badge(user) z.writestr("badge_%d.svg" %, badge.encode("utf-8")) return response data = { "form": form, } return render(request, "registrasion/badges.html", data) def collate_from_form(form): ''' Does what collate does, but using form data as its input source rather than User record. ''' # Build the thing we'll pass to svg_badge() later. data = dict() # Get the name bits ... at_nm =['name'].split() if at_nm[0].lower() in 'mr dr ms mrs miss'.split(): at_nm[0] = at_nm[0] + ' ' + at_nm[1] del at_nm[1] if at_nm: data['firstname'] = at_nm[0] data['lastname'] = ''.join(at_nm[1:]) else: # Can't happen -- form validator will check for this. pass # Free text -- only one line ... come on! data['line1'] =['free_text_1'] data['line2'] =['free_text_2'] # Email ... data['email'] =['email'] # Don't think we want to allow ad hoc organiser tickets ... data['organiser'] = False # Punt on shirts for now ... data['shirts'] = list() # Lots booleans ... for key in ['over18', 'paid', 'friday', 'speaker', 'tutorial', 'sprints', 'company',]: data[key] =, False) # This will throw InvalidTicketChoiceError if the ticket # choice isn't found in the ticket list or is the # "Plese select a valid tickt" choice. (I.e., they forgot # to choose a ticket.) data['ticket'] = ticket_selection()[int(['ticket'])][1] data['volunteer'] = data['ticket'].find("Volunteer") >= 0 if 'Specialist Day Only' in data['ticket']: data['ticket'] = 'Friday Only' data['friday'] = True if 'Conference Organiser' in data['ticket']: data['ticket'] = '' if 'Conference Volunteer' in data['ticket']: data['ticket'] = '' data['promote_company'] = ( data['organiser'] or data['volunteer'] or data['speaker'] or 'Sponsor' in data['ticket'] or 'Contributor' in data['ticket'] or 'Professional' in data['ticket'] ) return data @user_passes_test(_staff_only) def badger(request, username=None): ''' Renders a single user's badge from data supplied on a form rather than from Attendee data. If *username* is provided in the URL, an attempt will be made to look up this user and fill in the badge details from the User and Attendee records. ''' if username is not None: # We have a username. Try to populate our badge data # from User/Attendee model. try: data = collate({'usernames': [username,]}).next() except: # No matching User record (probably) ... just put up a blank form return render(request, settings.BADGER_DEFAULT_FORM, {'form': BadgeForm}) else: form = BadgeForm(request.POST) if len( == 0: # Empty or request to put up the form. return render(request, settings.BADGER_DEFAULT_FORM, {'form': BadgeForm}) try: if form.is_valid(): data = collate_from_form(form) except InvalidTicketChoiceError: form.add_error('ticket', 'Please select a VALID ticket type!') return render(request, settings.BADGER_DEFAULT_FORM, {'form': form}) except TypeError as e: form.add_error(e.message) return render(request, settings.BADGER_DEFAULT_FORM, {'form': form}) # We should have valid data if we get this far. # Fill in the template and return the resulting SVG object. orig = etree.parse(_get_badge_template_name()) tree = deepcopy(orig) root = tree.getroot() # Generate the badge (svg) svg_badge(root, data, 0) # Ship it back to the user... response = HttpResponse(etree.tostring(root)) response["Content-Type"] = "image/svg+xml" response["Content-Disposition"] = 'inline; filename="badge.svg"' return response