from django.conf import settings from django.core.mail import EmailMultiAlternatives from functools import wraps class MonkeyPatchMiddleware(object): ''' Ensures that our monkey patching only gets called after it is safe to do so.''' def process_request(self, request): do_monkey_patch() def do_monkey_patch(): patch_speaker_profile_form() patch_accounts_to_send_bcc() fix_sitetree_check_access_500s() never_cache_login_page() # Remove this function from existence global do_monkey_patch do_monkey_patch = lambda: None def patch_speaker_profile_form(): ''' Replaces textarea widgets with markdown editors. ''' import widgets from symposion.speakers.forms import SpeakerForm fields = SpeakerForm.base_fields fields["biography"].widget = widgets.AceMarkdownEditor() fields["experience"].widget = widgets.AceMarkdownEditor() fields["accessibility"].widget = widgets.AceMarkdownEditor() def patch_accounts_to_send_bcc(): ''' Patches django-user-accounts' email functions to send a BCC e-mail to the default BCC e-mail address. ''' from account import hooks # django-user-accounts always uses send_mail like: # send_mail(subject, message, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, to) if hasattr(settings, "ENVELOPE_BCC_LIST"): bcc_email = settings.ENVELOPE_BCC_LIST else: bcc_email = None def send_mail(subject, message, from_email, to): email = EmailMultiAlternatives( subject, message, from_email, to, bcc=bcc_email, ) email.send() hooks.send_mail = send_mail def fix_sitetree_check_access_500s(): ''' django-sitetree has a bug: -- it swallows the cause of all 500 errors. This swallows KeyErrors from the failing function. ''' from sitetree.sitetreeapp import SiteTree old_check_access = SiteTree.check_access @wraps(SiteTree.check_access) def check_access(self, *a, **k): try: return old_check_access(self, *a, **k) except KeyError: return False SiteTree.check_access = check_access def never_cache_login_page(): from django.views.decorators.cache import never_cache from account.views import LoginView LoginView.get = never_cache(LoginView.get)