import itertools from conditions import ConditionController from registrasion.models import commerce from registrasion.models import conditions from django.db.models import Case from django.db.models import F, Q from django.db.models import Sum from django.db.models import Value from django.db.models import When class DiscountAndQuantity(object): ''' Represents a discount that can be applied to a product or category for a given user. Attributes: discount (conditions.DiscountBase): The discount object that the clause arises from. A given DiscountBase can apply to multiple clauses. clause (conditions.DiscountForProduct|conditions.DiscountForCategory): A clause describing which product or category this discount item applies to. This casts to ``str()`` to produce a human-readable version of the clause. quantity (int): The number of times this discount item can be applied for the given user. ''' def __init__(self, discount, clause, quantity): = discount self.clause = clause self.quantity = quantity def __repr__(self): return "(discount=%s, clause=%s, quantity=%d)" % (, self.clause, self.quantity, ) class DiscountController(object): @classmethod def available_discounts(cls, user, categories, products): ''' Returns all discounts available to this user for the given categories and products. The discounts also list the available quantity for this user, not including products that are pending purchase. ''' filtered_clauses = cls._filtered_discounts(user, categories, products) discounts = [] # Markers so that we don't need to evaluate given conditions # more than once accepted_discounts = set() failed_discounts = set() for clause in filtered_clauses: discount = cond = ConditionController.for_condition(discount) past_use_count = clause.past_use_count if past_use_count >= clause.quantity: # This clause has exceeded its use count pass elif discount not in failed_discounts: # This clause is still available is_accepted = discount in accepted_discounts if is_accepted or cond.is_met(user, filtered=True): # This clause is valid for this user discounts.append(DiscountAndQuantity( discount=discount, clause=clause, quantity=clause.quantity - past_use_count, )) accepted_discounts.add(discount) else: # This clause is not valid for this user failed_discounts.add(discount) return discounts @classmethod def _filtered_discounts(cls, user, categories, products): ''' Returns: Sequence[discountbase]: All discounts that passed the filter function. ''' types = list(ConditionController._controllers()) discounttypes = [ i for i in types if issubclass(i, conditions.DiscountBase) ] # discounts that match provided categories category_discounts = conditions.DiscountForCategory.objects.filter( category__in=categories ) # discounts that match provided products product_discounts = conditions.DiscountForProduct.objects.filter( product__in=products ) # discounts that match categories for provided products product_category_discounts = conditions.DiscountForCategory.objects product_category_discounts = product_category_discounts.filter( category__in=(product.category for product in products) ) # (Not relevant: discounts that match products in provided categories) product_discounts = product_discounts.select_related( "product", "product__category", ) all_category_discounts = ( category_discounts | product_category_discounts ) all_category_discounts = all_category_discounts.select_related( "category", ) valid_discounts = conditions.DiscountBase.objects.filter( Q(discountforproduct__in=product_discounts) | Q(discountforcategory__in=all_category_discounts) ) all_subsets = [] for discounttype in discounttypes: discounts = discounttype.objects.filter(id__in=valid_discounts) ctrl = ConditionController.for_type(discounttype) discounts = ctrl.pre_filter(discounts, user) all_subsets.append(discounts) filtered_discounts = list(itertools.chain(*all_subsets)) # Map from discount key to itself # (contains annotations needed in the future) from_filter = dict((, i) for i in filtered_discounts) clause_sets = ( product_discounts.filter(discount__in=filtered_discounts), all_category_discounts.filter(discount__in=filtered_discounts), ) clause_sets = ( cls._annotate_with_past_uses(i, user) for i in clause_sets ) # The set of all potential discount clauses discount_clauses = set(itertools.chain(*clause_sets)) # Replace discounts with the filtered ones # These are the correct subclasses (saves query later on), and have # correct annotations from filters if necessary. for clause in discount_clauses: = from_filter[] return discount_clauses @classmethod def _annotate_with_past_uses(cls, queryset, user): ''' Annotates the queryset with a usage count for that discount claus by the given user. ''' if queryset.model == conditions.DiscountForCategory: matches = ( Q(category=F('discount__discountitem__product__category')) ) elif queryset.model == conditions.DiscountForProduct: matches = ( Q(product=F('discount__discountitem__product')) ) in_carts = ( Q(discount__discountitem__cart__user=user) & Q(discount__discountitem__cart__status=commerce.Cart.STATUS_PAID) ) past_use_quantity = When( in_carts & matches, then="discount__discountitem__quantity", ) past_use_quantity_or_zero = Case( past_use_quantity, default=Value(0), ) queryset = queryset.annotate( past_use_count=Sum(past_use_quantity_or_zero) ) return queryset