File diff 74cda53eba1f → bc5849dbfcdf
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@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ chdir = {{ project_dir }}
home = {{ virtualenv }}
module = pinaxcon.wsgi
master = true
socket = /run/symposion/{{ site_name }}_uwsgi.sock
socket = /run/{{ site_name }}_uwsgi.sock
processes = 3
# Reduced this again now that reports are deferred to a queued task. Could
# potentially be further reduced.
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ log-prefix = {{ site_name }}

# Enable uWSGI stats server for use with uwsgitop.
# Run with: `sudo -u www-data uwsgitop /run/{{ site_name }}/django_uwsgi_stats.socket`
stats = /run/{{ site_name }}/django_uwsgi_stats.socket
stats = /run/{{ site_name }}_uwsgi_stats.socket
# Memory reporting is useful for reviewing memory consumption with uwsgitop, but
# makes the logs a little noiser.
# memory-report = true