Changeset - ea07469634ee
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Christopher Neugebauer - 8 years ago 2016-12-06 23:18:48
Fixes individual attendee view, which had disappeared.
2 files changed with 7 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -232,81 +232,84 @@ class ReportView(object):

            # Pre-validate it
            form = None

        return form

    def wrap_reports(cls, reports, content_type):
        reports = [
            _ReportTemplateWrapper(content_type, report)
            for report in reports

        return reports

    def render(self, data):
        renderers = {
            "text/csv": self._render_as_csv,
            "text/html": self._render_as_html,
            None: self._render_as_html,
        render = renderers[data.content_type]
        return render(data)

    def _render_as_html(self, data):
        ctx = {
            "title": self.title,
            "form": data.form,
            "reports": data.reports,

        return render(data.request, "registrasion/report.html", ctx)

    def _render_as_csv(self, data):
        report = data.reports[data.section]

        # Create the HttpResponse object with the appropriate CSV header.
        response = HttpResponse(content_type='text/csv')

        writer = csv.writer(response)
        encode = lambda i: i.encode("utf8") if isinstance(i, unicode) else i
        writer.writerow(list(encode(i) for i in report.headings()))
        for row in report.rows():
            writer.writerow(list(encode(i) for i in row))

        return response


class ReportViewRequestData(object):

    def __init__(self, report_view, request, *a, **k):
        self.report_view = report_view
        self.request = request

        # Calculate other data
        self.form = report_view.get_form(request)

        # Content type and section come from request.GET
        self.content_type = request.GET.get("content_type")
        self.section = request.GET.get("section")
        self.section = int(self.section) if self.section else None

        if self.content_type is None:
            self.content_type = "text/html"

        # Reports come from calling the inner view
        reports = report_view.inner_view(request, self.form, *a, **k)

        # Normalise to a list
        if isinstance(reports, Report):
            reports = [reports]

        # Wrap them in appropriate format
        reports = ReportView.wrap_reports(reports, self.content_type)

        self.reports = reports


def get_all_reports():
    ''' Returns all the views that have been registered with @report '''

    return list(_all_report_views)
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@@ -347,133 +347,135 @@ def paid_invoices_by_date(request, form):

    by_date = collections.defaultdict(int)
    for time in times:
        date = datetime.datetime(
            year=time.year, month=time.month,
        by_date[date] += 1

    data = [(date, count) for date, count in sorted(by_date.items())]
    data = [(date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), count) for date, count in data]

    return ListReport(
        "Paid Invoices By Date",
        ["date", "count"],

@report_view("Credit notes")
def credit_notes(request, form):
    ''' Shows all of the credit notes in the system. '''

    notes = commerce.CreditNote.objects.all().select_related(

    return QuerysetReport(
        "Credit Notes",
        ["id", "invoice__user__attendee__attendeeprofilebase__invoice_recipient", "status", "value"],  # NOQA
        headings=["id", "Owner", "Status", "Value"],


def invoices(request,form):
    ''' Shows all of the invoices in the system. '''

    invoices = commerce.Invoice.objects.all().order_by("status")

    return QuerysetReport(
        ["id", "recipient", "value", "get_status_display"],
        headings=["id", "Recipient", "Value", "Status"],


class AttendeeListReport(ListReport):

    def get_link(self, argument):
        return reverse(self._link_view) + "?user=%d" % int(argument)


@report_view("Attendee", form_type=forms.UserIdForm)
def attendee(request, form, user_id=None):
    ''' Returns a list of all manifested attendees if no attendee is specified,
    else displays the attendee manifest. '''

    if user_id is None and form.cleaned_data["user"] is not None:
        user_id = form.cleaned_data["user"]

    if user_id is None:
        return attendee_list(request)

    if form.cleaned_data["user"] is not None:
        user_id = form.cleaned_data["user"]
    print user_id

    attendee = people.Attendee.objects.get(user__id=user_id)
    name = attendee.attendeeprofilebase.attendee_name()

    reports = []

    profile_data = []
        profile = people.AttendeeProfileBase.objects.get_subclass(
        fields = profile._meta.get_fields()
    except people.AttendeeProfileBase.DoesNotExist:
        fields = []

    exclude = set(["attendeeprofilebase_ptr", "id"])
    for field in fields:
        if in exclude:
            # Not actually important
        if not hasattr(field, "verbose_name"):
            continue  # Not a publicly visible field
        value = getattr(profile,

        if isinstance(field, models.ManyToManyField):
            value = ", ".join(str(i) for i in value.all())

        profile_data.append((field.verbose_name, value))

    cart = CartController.for_user(attendee.user)
    reservation = cart.cart.reservation_duration + cart.cart.time_last_updated
    profile_data.append(("Current cart reserved until", reservation))

    reports.append(ListReport("Profile", ["", ""], profile_data))

    links = []
        reverse(views.amend_registration, args=[user_id]),
        "Amend current cart",
        reverse(views.extend_reservation, args=[user_id]),
        "Extend reservation",

    reports.append(Links("Actions for " + name, links))

    # Paid and pending  products
    ic = ItemController(attendee.user)
        "Paid Products",
        ["Product", "Quantity"],
        [(pq.product, pq.quantity) for pq in ic.items_purchased()],
        "Unpaid Products",
        ["Product", "Quantity"],
        [(pq.product, pq.quantity) for pq in ic.items_pending()],

    # Invoices
    invoices = commerce.Invoice.objects.filter(
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