Changeset - ccb19316ad41
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Clinton Roy - 5 years ago 2019-10-13 03:53:51
dummy presentations to play with
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from import BaseCommand

from symposion.conference.models import Section, current_conference, Conference


from symposion.speakers.models import Speaker
from symposion.schedule.models import Day, Schedule, Session

from symposion.schedule.models import (Day, Presentation, Room, SlotKind, Slot,
                                       SlotRoom, ProposalBase)

from dateutil.parser import parse

from pinaxcon.proposals.models import TalkProposal

from symposion.proposals.models import ProposalSection, ProposalKind

from collections import  Counter
from pathlib import Path
import csv


class Command(BaseCommand):
    known_headers = ["date", "start time", "end time", "kind", "rooms"]
    SLOTS = 'slots'
    TALKS = 'talks'

    help = "Creates a bunch of dummy presentations to play around with."

    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        conf = current_conference()
        section = Section.objects.filter(conference=conf, slug="main").all().first()
        speaker = Speaker.objects.first()
        talk_kind = ProposalKind.objects.first()
        target_audience = TalkProposal.TARGET_USER


        for i in range(1000, 1010):
            prop, _created = TalkProposal.objects.get_or_create(
                pk=i, kind=talk_kind, speaker=speaker, target_audience=target_audience)
            pres, _created = Presentation.objects.get_or_create(
                proposal_base=prop, section=section, speaker=speaker,
                title=f"dummy title {i}", abstract=f"dummy abstract {i}")


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