Changeset - c375e6df78dd
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James Polley - 6 years ago 2018-06-24 12:04:31
Add DEV_MODE setting for DEV_MODE instances
1 file changed with 4 insertions and 0 deletions:
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@@ -51,96 +51,100 @@ function (slug) {
                "app": "symposion-app"
            "strategy": {
              "rollingUpdate": {
                "maxSurge": 1,
                "maxUnavailable": 1
              "type": "RollingUpdate"
            "template": {
              "metadata": {
                "labels": {
                  "app": "symposion-app"
              "spec": {
                "containers": [
                    "env": [
                        "name": "SYMPOSION_APP_DEBUG",
                        "value": "1"
                        "name": "DJANGO_SECRET_KEY",
                        "value": "paGhahQuain5ohYoh0moorai"
                        "name": "DATABASE_URL",
                        "value": "sqlite:////tmp/symposion.sqlite"
                        "name": "GCS_BUCKET",
                        "value": "CEA51A5-A613-4AEF-A9FB-D0A57D77C13B"
                        "name": "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS",
                        "value": "/dev/null"
                        "name": "STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY",
                        "value": "5CEA51A5-A613-4AEF-A9FB-D0A57D77C13B"
                        "name": "STRIPE_SECRET_KEY",
                        "value": "5CEA51A5-A613-4AEF-A9FB-D0A57D77C13B"
                        "name": "SYMPOSION_DEV_MODE",
                        "value": "LAPTOP"
                    "image": "" + slug,
                    "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
                    "livenessProbe": {
                      "failureThreshold": 3,
                      "httpGet": {
                        "path": "/admin/login/",
                        "port": 8000,
                        "scheme": "HTTP"
                      "initialDelaySeconds": 120,
                      "periodSeconds": 10,
                      "successThreshold": 1,
                      "timeoutSeconds": 2
                    "name": "symposion-app",
                    "ports": [
                        "containerPort": 8000,
                        "protocol": "TCP"
                    "resources": {},
                    "terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log",
                    "terminationMessagePolicy": "File"
                "dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst",
                "restartPolicy": "Always",
                "schedulerName": "default-scheduler",
                "securityContext": {},
                "terminationGracePeriodSeconds": 30
      "kind": "List"
  "ingress-patch.json": [
        "op": "add",
        "path": "/spec/rules/-",
        "value": {
          "host": domain,
          "http": {
            "paths": [
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