Changeset - 8aa1148f7a71
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James Polley - 7 years ago 2017-10-04 13:55:30
Make datatable work for each table on the page, not just the first
1 file changed with 6 insertions and 6 deletions:
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@@ -50,10 +50,10 @@
    <script src="//"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(function() {
            "sDom": "<'row'<'col-md-3'l><'col-md-3'T><'col-md-4'f>r>t<'row'<'col-md-3'i><'col-md-5'p>>",
        $("table.table-reportdata").each(function () {
        "sDom": "<'row'<'col-md-3'l><'col-md-3'T><'col-md-4'f>r>t<'row'<'col-md-3'i><'col-md-5'p>>",
                "sPaginationType": "bootstrap",
                "aLengthMenu": [[10, 25, 50, -1], [10, 25, 50, "All"]],
                "bStateSave": true,
                "aLengthMenu": [[10, 50, 100, -1], [10, 50, 100, "All"]],
                "oTableTools": {
                "aButtons": [
@@ -64,6 +64,6 @@
                "sSwfPath": "{{ STATIC_URL }}tabletools/swf/copy_csv_xls.swf"
{% endblock %}
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