Changeset - 6c87b9d08a2d
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Christopher Neugebauer - 8 years ago 2016-09-21 23:38:22
Documentation, and edge case.
1 file changed with 10 insertions and 0 deletions:
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@@ -21,34 +21,44 @@ CONFERENCE_ID = settings.CONFERENCE_ID


def pubkey_script(request):
    ''' Returns a JS snippet that sets the Stripe public key for Stripe.js. '''

    script_template = "Stripe.setPublishableKey('%s');"
    script = script_template % settings.PINAX_STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY

    return HttpResponse(script, content_type="text/javascript")


def card(request, invoice_id):
    ''' View that shows and processes a Stripe CreditCardForm to pay the given
    invoice. Redirects back to the invoice once the invoice is fully paid.

        invoice_id (castable to str): The invoice id for the invoice to pay.


    form = forms.CreditCardForm(request.POST or None)

    inv = InvoiceController.for_id_or_404(str(invoice_id))

    if not inv.can_view(user=request.user):
        raise Http404()

    to_invoice = redirect("invoice",

    if inv.invoice.balance_due() <= 0:
        return to_invoice

    if request.POST and form.is_valid():
            inv.validate_allowed_to_pay()  # Verify that we're allowed to do this.
            process_card(request, form, inv)
            return to_invoice
        except StripeError as e:
            form.add_error(None, ValidationError(e))
        except ValidationError as ve:
            form.add_error(None, ve)

    data = {
        "invoice": inv.invoice,
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