Changeset - 5f7e5ee1bd82
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Nick Seidenman (N6) - 7 years ago 2017-01-17 01:03:16
Merge branch 'master' into prod

4 files changed with 3 insertions and 17 deletions:
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        "pk": 1,
        "model": "symposion_conference.conference",
        "fields": {
            "timezone": "US/Eastern",
            "start_date": "2040-01-01",
            "end_date": "2040-01-04",
            "title": "PyconAU 2017"
            "title": "PyCon AU 2017"
        "pk": 1,
        "model": "symposion_conference.section",
        "fields": {
            "conference": 1,
            "start_date": "2040-01-01",
            "name": "General Sessions",
            "end_date": "2040-01-01",
            "slug": "general-sessions"
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