Changeset - 3d5ed5c5160a
[Not reviewed]
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James Polley - 6 years ago 2018-06-24 04:32:33
Turn review jobs back on

Use a new "rego-review" namespace to not interfere with the dev instance.
2 files changed with 33 insertions and 33 deletions:
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@@ -86,35 +86,35 @@ k8s-2019_dev-deploy:

# k8s-2019_dev_review-deploy:
#   image: google/cloud-sdk
#   stage: deploy
#   script:
#   - echo "${CA_CERT}" > cert.crt
#   - kubectl config set-cluster cluster --server="${KUBE_SERVER}" --embed-certs=true --certificate-authority=cert.crt
#   - kubectl config set-context cluster --cluster=cluster --namespace=rego-dev --user=gitlab-sa
#   - kubectl config use-context cluster
#   - kubectl --token "${GL_KUBE_TOKEN}" apply -f k8s/deployment.json
#   - kubectl --token "${GL_KUBE_TOKEN}" describe ingress | grep "${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}" || kubectl --token "${GL_KUBE_TOKEN}" patch ingress symposion-app-ingress -p "$(cat k8s/ingress-patch.json)" --type json
#   only:
#   - /^dev\/.*$/
#   environment:
#     name: 2019/dev/${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}
#     url: https://${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}
#     on_stop: k8s-2019_dev_review-stop-deploy
  image: google/cloud-sdk
  stage: deploy
  - echo "${CA_CERT}" > cert.crt
  - kubectl config set-cluster cluster --server="${KUBE_SERVER}" --embed-certs=true --certificate-authority=cert.crt
  - kubectl config set-context cluster --cluster=cluster --namespace=rego-review --user=rego-dev/gitlab-sa
  - kubectl config use-context cluster
  - kubectl --token "${GL_KUBE_TOKEN}" apply -f k8s/deployment.json
  - kubectl --token "${GL_KUBE_TOKEN}" describe ingress | grep "${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}" || kubectl --token "${GL_KUBE_TOKEN}" patch ingress symposion-app-ingress -p "$(cat k8s/ingress-patch.json)" --type json
  - /^dev\/.*$/
    name: 2019/dev/${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}
    url: https://${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}
    on_stop: k8s-2019_dev_review-stop-deploy

# k8s-2019_dev_review-stop-deploy:
#   image: google/cloud-sdk
#   stage: deploy
#   script:
#   - echo "${CA_CERT}" > cert.crt
#   - kubectl config set-cluster cluster --server="${KUBE_SERVER}" --embed-certs=true --certificate-authority=cert.crt
#   - kubectl config set-context cluster --cluster=cluster --namespace=rego-dev --user=gitlab-sa
#   - kubectl config use-context cluster
#   - kubectl --token "${GL_KUBE_TOKEN}" delete -f k8s/deployment.json
#   only:
#   - /^dev\/.*$/
#   when: manual
#   environment:
#     name: 2019/dev/${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}
#     url: https://${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}
#     action: stop
  image: google/cloud-sdk
  stage: deploy
  - echo "${CA_CERT}" > cert.crt
  - kubectl config set-cluster cluster --server="${KUBE_SERVER}" --embed-certs=true --certificate-authority=cert.crt
  - kubectl config set-context cluster --cluster=cluster --namespace=rego-review --user=rego-dev/gitlab-sa
  - kubectl config use-context cluster
  - kubectl --token "${GL_KUBE_TOKEN}" delete -f k8s/deployment.json
  - /^dev\/.*$/
  when: manual
    name: 2019/dev/${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}
    url: https://${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}
    action: stop

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@@ -3,3 +3,3 @@ function (slug) {
  local app = "symposion-app-" + slug,
  local namespace = "rego-dev",
  local namespace = "rego-review",
  local domain = slug + "",
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