Changeset - 35b75b6f963c
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James Polley - 7 years ago 2017-09-30 01:01:39
Badger should fail gracefully if auth_groups hasn't been populated

Let's say you've just installed symposion for the first time, and
you're running the intial `./ migrate`

In that circumstance, there isn't an auth_group table. Naturally this
means you get Some Errors when trying to look for a particular group.

This change handles that error and drives on.
1 file changed with 8 insertions and 2 deletions:
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Generate Conference Badges

Nearly all of the code in this was written by Richard Jones for the 2016 conference.
That code relied on the user supplying the attendee data in a CSV file, which Richard's
code then processed.

The main (and perhaps only real) difference, here, is that the attendee data are taken
directly from the database.  No CSV file is required.

This is now a library with functions / classes referenced by the generate_badges
management command, and by the tickets/badger and tickets/badge API functions.
import sys
import os
import csv
from lxml import etree
import tempfile
from copy import deepcopy
import subprocess

import pdb

from import BaseCommand

from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Group
from django.db.utils import OperationalError
from pinaxcon.registrasion.models import AttendeeProfile
from registrasion.controllers.cart import CartController
from registrasion.controllers.invoice import InvoiceController
from registrasion.models import Voucher
from registrasion.models import Attendee
from registrasion.models import Product
from registrasion.models import Invoice
from symposion.speakers.models import Speaker

# A few unicode encodings ...
GLYPH_GLASS = u'\ue001'
GLYPH_DINNER = u'\ue179'
GLYPH_SPEAKER = u'\ue122'
GLYPH_SPRINTS = u'\ue254'
GLYPH_CROWN = u'\ue211'
GLYPH_SNOWMAN = u'\u2603'
GLYPH_STAR = u'\ue007'
GLYPH_FLASH = u'\ue162'
GLYPH_EDU = u'\ue233'

# Some company names are too long to fit on the badge, so, we
# define abbreviations here.
overrides = {
 "Optiver Pty. Ltd.": "Optiver",
 "IRESS Market Tech": "IRESS",
 "The Bureau of Meteorology": "BoM",
 "Google Australia": "Google",
 "Facebook Inc.": "Facebook",
 "Rhapsody Solutions Pty Ltd": "Rhapsody Solutions",
 "PivotNine Pty Ltd": "PivotNine",
 "SEEK Ltd.": "SEEK",
 "UNSW Australia": "UNSW",
 "Dev Demand Co": "Dev Demand",
 "Cascode Labs Pty Ltd": "Cascode Labs",
 "CyberHound Pty Ltd": "CyberHound",
 "Self employed Contractor": "",
 "Data Processors Pty Lmt": "Data Processors",
 "Bureau of Meterology": "BoM",
 "Google Australia Pty Ltd": "Google",
 # "NSW Rural Doctors Network": "",
 "Sense of Security Pty Ltd": "Sense of Security",
 "Hewlett Packard Enterprose": "HPE",
 "Hewlett Packard Enterprise": "HPE",
 "The University of Melbourne": "University of Melbourne",
 "Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre": "Peter Mac",
 "Commonwealth Bank of Australia": "CBA",
@@ -79,98 +80,103 @@ overrides = {
 "Australian Synchrotron | ANSTO": "Australian Synchrotron",
 "Bureau of Meteorology, Australia": "BoM",
 "QUT Digital Media Research Centre": "QUT",
 "Dyn - Dynamic Network Services Inc": "Dyn",
 "The Australian National University": "ANU",
 "Murdoch Childrens Research Institute": "MCRI",
 "Centenary Institute, University of Sydney": "Centenary Institute",
 "Synchrotron Light Source Australia Pty Ltd": "Australian Synchrotron",
 "Australian Communication and Media Authority": "ACMA",
 "Dept. of Education - Camden Haven High School": "Camden Haven High School",
 "Australian Government - Bureau of Meteorology": "BoM",
 "The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research": "WEHI",
 "Dept. Parliamentary Services, Australian Parliamentary Library": "Dept. Parliamentary Services",


def text_size(text, prev=9999):
    Calculate the length of a text string as it relates to font size.
    n = len(text)
    size = int(min(48, max(28, 28 + 30 * (1 - (n-8) / 11.))))
    return min(prev, size)


def set_text(soup, text_id, text, resize=None):
    Set the text value of an element (via beautiful soup calls).
    elem = soup.find(".//*[@id='%s']/{}tspan" % text_id)
    if elem is None:
        raise ValueError('could not find tag id=%s' % text_id)
    elem.text = text
    if resize:
        style = elem.get('style')
        elem.set('style', style.replace('font-size:60px', 'font-size:%dpx' % resize))


def set_colour(soup, slice_id, colour):
    Set colour of an element (using beautiful soup calls).
    elem = soup.find(".//*[@id='%s']" % slice_id)
    if elem is None:
        raise ValueError('could not find tag id=%s' % slice_id)
    style = elem.get('style')
    elem.set('style', style.replace('fill:#316a9a', 'fill:#%s' % colour))

Volunteers = Group.objects.filter(name='Conference volunteers').first().user_set.all()
Organisers = Group.objects.filter(name='Conference organisers').first().user_set.all()
## It's possible that this script will be run before the database has been populated
    Volunteers = Group.objects.filter(name='Conference volunteers').first().user_set.all()
    Organisers = Group.objects.filter(name='Conference organisers').first().user_set.all()
except (OperationalError, AttributeError):
    Volunteers = []
    Organisers = []

def is_volunteer(attendee):
    Returns True if attendee is in the Conference volunteers group.
    False otherwise.
    return attendee.user in Volunteers

def is_organiser(attendee):
    Returns True if attendee is in the Conference volunteers group.
    False otherwise.
    return attendee.user in Organisers


def svg_badge(soup, data, n):
    Do the actual "heavy lifting" to create the badge SVG

    # Python2/3 compat ...
        xx = filter(None, [1, 2, None, 3])[2]
        filter_None = lambda lst: filter(None, lst)
    except (TypeError,):
        filter_None = lambda lst: list(filter(None, lst))

    side = 'lr'[n]
    for tb in 'tb':
        part = tb + side
        lines = [data['firstname'], data['lastname']]
        if data['promote_company']:
        lines.extend([data['line1'], data['line2']])
        lines = filter_None(lines)[:4]

        lines.extend('' for n in range(4-len(lines)))
        prev = 9999
        for m, line in enumerate(lines):
            size = text_size(line, prev)
            set_text(soup, 'line-%s-%s' % (part, m), line, size)
            prev = size

        lines = []
        if data['organiser']:
            set_colour(soup, 'colour-' + part, '319a51')
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