Changeset - 2ab4cf10b83a
[Not reviewed]
2 3 1
Scott Bragg - 8 years ago 2016-06-18 03:00:56
Disables registrasion app for production deployment. (#7)

* Disable registraison for production environment
Fixes lca2017/symposion#12
6 files changed with 80 insertions and 492 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
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deleted file
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deleted file
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@@ -93,137 +93,137 @@ TEMPLATES = [


ROOT_URLCONF = "pinaxcon.urls"

# Python dotted path to the WSGI application used by Django's runserver.
WSGI_APPLICATION = "pinaxcon.wsgi.application"


    # theme

    # external

    # symposion

    # Registrasion

    #admin - required by registrasion ??

    # project


# A sample logging configuration. The only tangible logging
# performed by this configuration is to send an email to
# the site admins on every HTTP 500 error when DEBUG=False.
# See for
# more details on how to customize your logging configuration.
    "version": 1,
    "disable_existing_loggers": False,
    "filters": {
        "require_debug_false": {
            "()": "django.utils.log.RequireDebugFalse"
    "handlers": {
        "mail_admins": {
            "level": "ERROR",
            "filters": ["require_debug_false"],
            "class": "django.utils.log.AdminEmailHandler"
    "loggers": {
        "django.request": {
            "handlers": ["mail_admins"],
            "level": "ERROR",
            "propagate": True,

    os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, "fixtures"),

EMAIL_BACKEND = "django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend"



    "talk": "pinaxcon.proposals.forms.TalkProposalForm",
PINAX_PAGES_HOOKSET = "pinaxcon.hooks.PinaxPagesHookSet"
PINAX_BOXES_HOOKSET = "pinaxcon.hooks.PinaxBoxesHookSet"

ATTENDEE_PROFILE_FORM = "pinaxcon.registrasion.forms.ProfileForm"

# Use nose to run all tests
TEST_RUNNER = 'django_nose.NoseTestSuiteRunner'
Show inline comments
{% extends "site_base.html" %}

{% load i18n %}
{% load proposal_tags %}
{% load review_tags %}
{% load teams_tags %}
{% load registrasion_tags %}
{# {% load registrasion_tags %} #}

{% block head_title %}Dashboard{% endblock %}

{% block body_class %}auth{% endblock %}

{% block body %}
    <div class="panel panel-default">
        <div class="panel-heading">
            <div class="pull-right">
                {% if not user.speaker_profile %}
                    <a href="{% url "speaker_create" %}" class="btn btn-xs btn-default">
                        <i class="fa fa-plus-sign"></i> Create a speaker profile
                {% else %}
                    <a href="{% url "speaker_edit" %}" class="btn btn-xs btn-default">
                        <i class="fa fa-pencil"></i> Edit your speaker profile
                    <a href="{% url "proposal_submit" %}" class="btn btn-xs btn-default">
                        <i class="fa fa-plus-sign"></i> Submit a new proposal
                {% endif %}
            <h3 class="panel-title">
                <i class="fa fa-bullhorn"></i>
                {% trans "Speaking" %}

        <div class="panel-body">
            {% if not user.speaker_profile %}
                <p>To submit a proposal, you must first <a href="{% url "speaker_create" %}">create a speaker profile</a>.</p>
            {% else %}
                <h4>Your Proposals</h4>
                {% if not user.speaker_profile.proposals.exists %}
                    <p>No proposals submitted yet.</p>
                {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
        {% if user.speaker_profile.proposals.exists %}
            <table class="table">
                    <th>Session type</th>
                {% for proposal in user.speaker_profile.proposals.all %}
                    {% include "symposion/proposals/_proposal_row.html" %}
                {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}

        {% if user.speaker_profile %}
            {% associated_proposals as associated_proposals %}
            {% if associated_proposals %}
                <div class="panel-body">
                    <h4>Proposals you have joined as an additional speaker</h4>
                <table class="table">
                        <th>Session type</th>
                    {% for proposal in associated_proposals %}
                        {% include "symposion/proposals/_proposal_row.html" %}
                    {% endfor %}
            {% endif %}

            {% pending_proposals as pending_proposals %}
            {% if pending_proposals %}
                <div class="panel-body"><h4>Proposals you have been invited to join</h4></div>
                <table class="table">
                        <th>Session type</th>
                    {% for proposal in pending_proposals %}
                        {% include "symposion/proposals/_pending_proposal_row.html" %}
                    {% endfor %}
            {% endif %}
        {% endif %}

    <div class="panel panel-default">
        <div class="panel-heading">
            <div class="pull-right">
                {% if not user.attendee.completed_registration %}
                    <a href="{% url "guided_registration" %}" class="btn btn-xs btn-default">
                        <i class="fa fa-plus-sign"></i> Register for the conference
                {% else %}
                  <a href="{% url "attendee_edit" %}" class="btn btn-xs btn-default">
                      <i class="fa fa-pencil"></i> Edit your attendee profile

                  {% items_pending as pending %}
                  {% if pending %}
                    <a href="{% url "checkout" %}" class="btn btn-xs btn-default">
                        <i class="fa fa-credit-card"></i> Pay your registration
                  {% endif %}
                {% endif %}
            <h3 class="panel-title">
              <i class="fa fa-ticket"></i>
                {% trans "Registration" %}


        <div class="panel-body">
            {% if not user.attendee.completed_registration %}
                <p>To attend the conference, you must purchase a ticket. <a href="{% url "guided_registration" %}">Use our registration form to purchase your ticket</a>.
            {% else %}
              <h4>Your registration</h4>
                  {% items_pending as pending %}
                  {% if pending %}
                    <h5>Items pending payment</h5>
                    {% include "registrasion/items_list.html" with items=pending %}
                  {% endif %}
                {% items_purchased as purchased %}
                {% if purchased %}
                  <h5>Paid items</h5>
                  {% include "registrasion/items_list.html" with items=purchased %}
                {% endif %}
                <h5>Add/Update items</h5>
                {% available_categories as categories %}
                {% for category in categories %}
                  <li><a href="{% url "product_category" %}">{{ }}</a></li>
                {% endfor %}

              {% invoices as invoices %}
              {% if invoices %}
                  {% for invoice in invoices %}
                    {% if not invoice.is_void %}
                          <a href="{% url "invoice" %}">Invoice {{ }}</a>
                          - ${{ invoice.value }} ({{ invoice.get_status_display }})
                    {% endif %}
                  {% endfor %}
              {% endif %}

              {% available_credit as credit %}
              {% if credit %}
                <p>You have ${{ credit }} leftover from refunded invoices. Contact the conference organisers
                  to put this toward other purchases, or to refund it.</p>
              {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
{# {% include 'registrasion/dashboard-widget.html' %} #}

    <div class="panel panel-default">
        <div class="panel-heading">
            <div class="pull-right header-actions">
                {% if not user.sponsorships.exists %}
                    <a href="{% url "sponsor_apply" %}" class="btn btn-xs btn-default">
                        <i class="fa fa-plus-sign"></i>
                        Apply to be a sponsor
                {% endif %}
            <h3 class="panel-title">
                <i class="fa fa-briefcase"></i>
                {% trans "Sponsorship" %}

        <div class="panel-body">
            {% if not user.sponsorships.exists %}
                <p>If you or your organization would be interested in sponsorship opportunities, <a href="{% url "sponsor_apply" %}">use our online form to apply to be a sponsor</a>.
            {% else %}
                <h4>Your Sponsorship</h4>
                <ul class="list-group">
                    {% for sponsorship in user.sponsorships.all %}
                        <li class="list-group-item">
                            <a href="{% url "sponsor_detail" %}"><b>{{ }}</b></a>
                            ({{ sponsorship.level }})
                            {% if not %}
                                <span class="label label-warning">awaiting approval</span>
                            {% endif %}
                    {% endfor %}
            {% endif %}
            {% if user.is_staff %}
                    As staff, you can directly <a href="{% url "sponsor_add" %}">add a sponsor</a> if the organization isn't
                    applying themselves.
            {% endif %}

    {% if review_sections %}
        <div class="panel panel-default">
            <div class="panel-heading">
                <h3 class="panel-title">
                    <i class="fa fa-briefcase"></i>
                    {% trans "Reviews" %}
            <div class="panel-body">
                <h4>Reviews by Section</h4>
                    {% for section in review_sections %}
                        <h5>{{ section }}</h5>
                        <li><a href="{% url "review_section" section.section.slug %}">All</a></li>
                        <li><a href="{% url "user_reviewed" section.section.slug %}">Reviewed by you</a></li>
                        <li><a href="{% url "user_not_reviewed" section.section.slug %}">Not Reviewed by you</a></li>
                    {% endfor %}

                {% comment %}
                <h4>My Assignments</h4>
Show inline comments
new file 100644
    <div class="panel panel-default">
        <div class="panel-heading">
            <div class="pull-right">
                {% if not user.attendee.completed_registration %}
                    <a href="{% url "guided_registration" %}" class="btn btn-xs btn-default">
                        <i class="fa fa-plus-sign"></i> Register for the conference
                {% else %}
                  <a href="{% url "attendee_edit" %}" class="btn btn-xs btn-default">
                      <i class="fa fa-pencil"></i> Edit your attendee profile

                  {% items_pending as pending %}
                  {% if pending %}
                    <a href="{% url "checkout" %}" class="btn btn-xs btn-default">
                        <i class="fa fa-credit-card"></i> Pay your registration
                  {% endif %}
                {% endif %}
            <h3 class="panel-title">
              <i class="fa fa-ticket"></i>
                {% trans "Registration" %}


        <div class="panel-body">
            {% if not user.attendee.completed_registration %}
                <p>To attend the conference, you must purchase a ticket. <a href="{% url "guided_registration" %}">Use our registration form to purchase your ticket</a>.
            {% else %}
              <h4>Your registration</h4>
                  {% items_pending as pending %}
                  {% if pending %}
                    <h5>Items pending payment</h5>
                    {% include "registrasion/items_list.html" with items=pending %}
                  {% endif %}
                {% items_purchased as purchased %}
                {% if purchased %}
                  <h5>Paid items</h5>
                  {% include "registrasion/items_list.html" with items=purchased %}
                {% endif %}
                <h5>Add/Update items</h5>
                {% available_categories as categories %}
                {% for category in categories %}
                  <li><a href="{% url "product_category" %}">{{ }}</a></li>
                {% endfor %}

              {% invoices as invoices %}
              {% if invoices %}
                  {% for invoice in invoices %}
                    {% if not invoice.is_void %}
                          <a href="{% url "invoice" %}">Invoice {{ }}</a>
                          - ${{ invoice.value }} ({{ invoice.get_status_display }})
                    {% endif %}
                  {% endfor %}
              {% endif %}

              {% available_credit as credit %}
              {% if credit %}
                <p>You have ${{ credit }} leftover from refunded invoices. Contact the conference organisers
                  to put this toward other purchases, or to refund it.</p>
              {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
Show inline comments
from django.conf import settings
from django.conf.urls import patterns, include, url
from django.conf.urls.static import static
from django.views.generic import TemplateView

from django.contrib import admin

import symposion.views


urlpatterns = [
    url(r"^$", TemplateView.as_view(template_name="homepage.html"), name="home"),
    url(r"^admin/", include(,

    url(r"^account/", include("account.urls")),

    url(r"^dashboard/", symposion.views.dashboard, name="dashboard"),

    url(r"^speaker/", include("symposion.speakers.urls")),
    url(r"^proposals/", include("symposion.proposals.urls")),
    url(r"^sponsors/", include("symposion.sponsorship.urls")),
    url(r"^reviews/", include("")),
    url(r"^schedule/", include("symposion.schedule.urls")),

    url(r"^teams/", include("symposion.teams.urls")),

    url(r"^boxes/", include("pinax.boxes.urls")),
    url(r"^", include("pinax.pages.urls")),

    # Required by registrasion
    url(r'^register/', include('registrasion.urls')),
    url(r'^nested_admin/', include('nested_admin.urls')),
#    url(r'^register/', include('registrasion.urls')),
#    url(r'^nested_admin/', include('nested_admin.urls')),

    # Demo payment gateway and related features
    url(r"^register/pinaxcon/", include("pinaxcon.registrasion.urls")),
#    url(r"^register/pinaxcon/", include("pinaxcon.registrasion.urls")),

urlpatterns += static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)