Files @ ecabf31e54b9
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Location: symposion_app/gulp/tasks/browserify.js - annotation

ecabf31e54b9 406 B application/javascript Show Source Show as Raw Download as Raw
Christopher Neugebauer
Assorted fixes (#47)

* Invokes the site tree fix from previous fixes.

* Adds a disclaimer noting that previous years’ accounts have not been carried over.

Fixes #43

* Adds proposal type to the proposal summary page.

Fixes #40

* Adds travel/accommodation assistance to the proposals page, but makes it only visible to speakers in the proposal, or review managers.

Fixes #41.
Fixes #42.

* Reduces a lot of the whitespace in the header and footer.

Fixes #44

* Proposals review page now shows information for every speaker on a proposal.

Fixes #45

* Makes sure that non_field_errors are displayed by forms.

Fixes #37
 * Dependencies
const path = require('path');
const browserify = require('browserify');
const babelify   = require('babelify');
const source     = require('vinyl-source-stream');

 * Module body / Expose
module.exports = (entry, config) => {
  config = config || {};
  const built = browserify(entry)
  return built.bundle().pipe(source(path.basename(entry)));