Files @ 7fac10241ec7
Branch filter:

Location: symposion_app/static/src/bootstrap/scss/_functions.scss - annotation

Joel Addison
Improve attendee reports

Display attendee profile data in normal table without DataTables so
sorting is not applied, causing data to be confusing to read.
Include item quantity in attendee data report for accurate schwag packing.
// Bootstrap functions
// Utility mixins and functions for evaluating source code across our variables, maps, and mixins.

// Ascending
// Used to evaluate Sass maps like our grid breakpoints.
@mixin _assert-ascending($map, $map-name) {
  $prev-key: null;
  $prev-num: null;
  @each $key, $num in $map {
    @if $prev-num == null or unit($num) == "%" {
      // Do nothing
    } @else if not comparable($prev-num, $num) {
      @warn "Potentially invalid value for #{$map-name}: This map must be in ascending order, but key '#{$key}' has value #{$num} whose unit makes it incomparable to #{$prev-num}, the value of the previous key '#{$prev-key}' !";
    } @else if $prev-num >= $num {
      @warn "Invalid value for #{$map-name}: This map must be in ascending order, but key '#{$key}' has value #{$num} which isn't greater than #{$prev-num}, the value of the previous key '#{$prev-key}' !";
    $prev-key: $key;
    $prev-num: $num;

// Starts at zero
// Used to ensure the min-width of the lowest breakpoint starts at 0.
@mixin _assert-starts-at-zero($map, $map-name: "$grid-breakpoints") {
  $values: map-values($map);
  $first-value: nth($values, 1);
  @if $first-value != 0 {
    @warn "First breakpoint in #{$map-name} must start at 0, but starts at #{$first-value}.";

// Replace `$search` with `$replace` in `$string`
// Used on our SVG icon backgrounds for custom forms.
// @author Hugo Giraudel
// @param {String} $string - Initial string
// @param {String} $search - Substring to replace
// @param {String} $replace ('') - New value
// @return {String} - Updated string
@function str-replace($string, $search, $replace: "") {
  $index: str-index($string, $search);

  @if $index {
    @return str-slice($string, 1, $index - 1) + $replace + str-replace(str-slice($string, $index + str-length($search)), $search, $replace);

  @return $string;

// Color contrast
@function color-yiq($color, $dark: $yiq-text-dark, $light: $yiq-text-light) {
  $r: red($color);
  $g: green($color);
  $b: blue($color);

  $yiq: (($r * 299) + ($g * 587) + ($b * 114)) / 1000;

  @if ($yiq >= $yiq-contrasted-threshold) {
    @return $dark;
  } @else {
    @return $light;

// Retrieve color Sass maps
@function color($key: "blue") {
  @return map-get($colors, $key);

@function theme-color($key: "primary") {
  @return map-get($theme-colors, $key);

@function gray($key: "100") {
  @return map-get($grays, $key);

// Request a theme color level
@function theme-color-level($color-name: "primary", $level: 0) {
  $color: theme-color($color-name);
  $color-base: if($level > 0, $black, $white);
  $level: abs($level);

  @return mix($color-base, $color, $level * $theme-color-interval);