Files @ 6bf3d71bffb2
Branch filter:

Location: symposion_app/ - annotation

James Polley
Require login for proposal submit

- This has the effect of bouncing people to the login page if they're
unauthenticated, rather than returning a 502 because 'home' doesn't

- If they're authenticated but don't have a speaker profile, send them
to the speaker profile create page rather than just to the

Closes #26
#!/bin/bash -x


docker image build -f docker/Dockerfile -t ${CONTAINER_NAME} --target symposion_dev .
docker container stop symposion
docker container rm symposion
docker container create --env-file docker/laptop-mode-env -p 28000:8000 -v $(pwd):/app/symposion_app --name symposion ${CONTAINER_NAME}
docker container start symposion
docker exec symposion ./ migrate
docker exec symposion ./ loaddata ./fixtures/*.json
docker exec symposion ./ populate_inventory
docker exec symposion ./ create_review_permissions
docker exec symposion ./ loaddata ./fixtures/miniconf-fixtures/*.json
if [ -e ./symposion-fixtures ]; then
    pushd ./symposion-fixtures
    docker exec -it symposion ./ createsuperuser --username root --email

set +x
echo "Now you can log into http://localhost:28000/admin"
echo "Username: root      Password: the one you just typed twice"
echo "If you need to test as a non-admin user, create one at"
echo "http://localhost:28000/admin/auth/user/add/ - then log out"
echo "and log back in at http://localhost:28000"