Files @ 2fbffd42a231
Branch filter:

Location: symposion_app/pinaxcon/templates/registrasion/review.html - annotation

WIP for rego form, 2
{% extends "registrasion/base.html" %}
{% load registrasion_tags %}
{% load lca2018_tags %}

{% block header_title %}Review your selection{% endblock %}
{% block header_inset_image %}{% illustration "wineglass.svg" %}{% endblock %}
{% block header_paragraph %}
  Please ensure that you have selected all of the products you require, including
  t-shirts and social event tickets.
{% endblock %}

{% block scripts_extra %}
  {{ }}
  {{ }}

  <script type="text/javascript">
    function showVoucherForm() {


{% endblock %}

{% block proposals_body %}
  <a id="voucher-form-button" class="btn btn-info" href="{% url "voucher_code" %}">Enter voucher code</a>

  {% items_pending as pending %}
  {% if pending %}

  <h3>Current selection</h3>

  <p>You've selected the following items, which will be in your invoice when
    you check out:<p>
  {% include "registrasion/_items_list.html" with items=pending %}

  {% endif %}

  {% items_purchased as purchased %}
  {% if purchased %}
  <div class="mb-4">
    <h3>Previously purchased</h3>
    <p>You've already paid for the following items:</p>
    {% include "registrasion/_items_list.html" with items=purchased suffix="<em>(PAID)</em>" %}
  {% endif %}

  <div class="my-4">
    <h3>Add to your selection</h3>
    <p>You can add these items now, or you can come back and add them in a later purchase.</p>
    {% if missing %}
    {% missing_categories as missing %}
        <strong>You have <em>not</em> selected anything from the following
          categories. If your ticket includes any of these, you still need to
          make a selection:

      {% include "registrasion/_category_list.html" with categories=missing %}
    {% endif %}

    <strong>You can also change your selection from these categories:</strong>

  {% available_categories as available %}
  {% include "registrasion/_category_list.html" with categories=available exclude=missing %}

  <h3>What next?</h3>

  {% if pending %}
  <p>You can either check out an invoice and pay for your selections, or return to
      the dashboard.</p>

  <div class="btn-group">
    <a class="btn btn-success" href="{% url "checkout" %}">
      <i class="fa fa-credit-card"></i> Check out and pay

    <a class="btn btn-primary" href="{% url "dashboard" %}">Return to dashboard</a>

  {% else %}

  <p>You have no items that need to be paid.</p>

  <div class="form-actions">
    <a class="btn btn-default" href="{% url "dashboard" %}">Return to dashboard</a>

  {% endif %}

{% endblock %}