Changeset - 85a4ca506829
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Tony Sebro (keynote2k) - 11 years ago 2012-10-17 18:48:38
updated Easy Reference guide's Per Diem & Reimbursement section.
1 file changed with 8 insertions and 4 deletions:
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@@ -66,15 +66,19 @@ Travelers should adhere to the following guidelines to stay In-Policy.
* Per Diem. 
	* Use your per-diem to cover meals and incidental expenses.
	* When attending a conference where food is included, Do The Right
	  Thing and claim a lower per-diem.   
	* Your per-diem is based on GSA guidelines.  Visit to the determine the rate for your
	* Try to be frugal - GSM per-diem rates are rather generous. 
	* When attending a conference where food is included, Do The Right
	  Thing and claim a lower per-diem.   

* Reimbursement.
	* To receive reimbursement, submit an Expense Report.  Refer to 
	  the Expense Report section below for guidelines.  
	* To receive reimbursement, send hotel and flight/rail receipt, 
	  along with a list of Per Diem days and totals to 
  Refer to the Expense Report 
          section below for details.  



== Project Leadership Committee Review
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