Changeset - 12558464484d
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Bradley M. Kuhn - 12 years ago 2012-03-02 17:25:45
Be clear about what state and federal laws we mean.
1 file changed with 2 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ applicable to nonprofit and charitable organizations.

Directors, Officers and Staff Members of Conservancy (``Conservancy
Persons'') each have a duty to protect Conservancy and its Member Projects
from violating state and federal laws - and to avoid any appearance of
from violating New York State and USA federal -- and to avoid any appearance of
impropriety. Conservancy Persons serve the public interest and are to have
a clear understanding of Conservancy's charitable mission. All decisions
made by Conservancy Persons are to be made solely on the basis of a desire
@@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ Each volunteer, academic and/or industry professional that serves
on a Conservancy Member Project's Project Leadership Committee (PLC)
have a duty to act in the best interests of his or her Project when
making decisions about the Project's technical direction. Every committee
member must also abide by state and federal laws associated with non-profit
member must also abide by New York State and USA federal laws associated with non-profit
organizational governance. 

Committee members must complete this form annually and submit it to
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