File diff 422f3725ed4d → 1dd525759aa0
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@@ -90,35 +90,42 @@ We're happy to help with any of the following:

+ Exploring and brainstorming your interests to help you identify hidden things that would make great talks
+ Connecting you with experienced speakers to help build your proposal and talk
+ Reviewing your outline, slide deck, or presenter notes
+ Connecting you with rehearsal audiences or even just watching you present over a video conference as practice
+ Anything else that'd help you be at ease and excited about bringing your ideas to our audience!


## Submitting<a name="submitting"></a>

To help us evaluate proposals and build our program, we would like as much detail as you can provide on your talk. At a minimum this should include:

+ A brief description (~400 characters) suitable for inclusion in a schedule page
+ A brief prose abstract (intended as the content for a talk detail page on the program site)
+ Optionally, a rough outline of the structure including estimated timings for each section of your talk

If you've given the talk before, links to video or slides would be excellent. If you've blogged about this topic links to your posts would be useful, too.

Your speaker profile includes a space for you to describe your prior experience giving talks&mdash;this is your chance to talk yourself up and explain how you're qualified to share your ideas, so take advantage of it!

<div class="btn-group">
  <a class="btn btn-lg btn-primary" href="/dashboard">Submit a Proposal</a>


## How to Write Your Proposal<a name="how-to-write-your-proposal"></a>

If you want to speak, here's a very rough process of what you should do next:

+ Brainstorm or [mind map]( to expand upon your ideas or knowledge in search of a general topic
+ Write a paragraph or two, or some bullet points, to outline the core concepts you want to communicate and what people might learn from your talk
+ Get someone you trust to read your notes and tell you what they think they'd learn
+ Attend our office hours to get help building up your submission
+ Submit your proposal
+ Practice!

## Plans Changed and Need to Decline?<a name="need-to-decline"></a>

We understand that life is unpredictable and you may not be able to speak at North Bay Python even if we accept your proposal. That's OK!

If we accept your talk, you have the option to confirm or decline. Already confirmed but something came up? That's OK, too, we just need you to let us know as soon as possible! We always have backups.

Please email us at []( to let us know if you have a change of plans.