File diff 636fcc449da2 → 319466454c9d
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@@ -33,12 +33,17 @@ class ProposalForm(forms.ModelForm, ProposalMixIn):
            "you'd like the program committee to know when making their "
            "selection. This is not made public. "
            "Edit using "
            "<a href='' "

        for field in ("description", "abstract", "additional_notes"):
            self.fields[field].help_text += (" Please do not include "
                "any information that could identify you, as your proposal "
                "will be reviewed anonymously.")


    def clean_description(self):
        value = self.cleaned_data["description"]
        if len(value) > 400:
            raise forms.ValidationError(
                u"The description must be less than 400 characters"