Changeset - a890a146c716
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Christopher Neugebauer - 5 years ago 2018-10-31 21:41:57
Real update_monkey_patch
1 file changed with 12 insertions and 0 deletions:
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from __future__ import absolute_import

from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.core.mail import EmailMultiAlternatives


from functools import wraps


class MonkeyPatchMiddleware(object):
    ''' Ensures that our monkey patching only gets called after it is safe to do so.'''

    def process_request(self, request):


def do_monkey_patch():

    # Remove this function from existence
    global do_monkey_patch
    do_monkey_patch = lambda: None


def patch_stripe_card_defaults():
    from pinax.stripe.actions import sources
    from collections import defaultdict

    old_sync_card = sources.sync_card

    def sync_card(customer, source):
        d = defaultdict(str)
        return old_sync_card(customer, d)

    sources.sync_card = sync_card


def patch_registrasion_views():
    from registrasion import views as registrasion_views
    from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt

    registrasion_views.invoice_mailout = csrf_exempt(registrasion_views.invoice_mailout)


def patch_conference_schedule():
    from symposion.schedule import views as sv
    from symposion.schedule import models as sm

    old_schedule_json = sv._schedule_json

    def schedule_json(request):
        schedule = old_schedule_json(request)

        for slot_data in schedule:
            slot = sm.Slot.objects.get(id=slot_data["conf_key"])
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