Changeset - 7f166d155207
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Joshua Simmons - 7 years ago 2017-08-30 03:30:35
add anchors
1 file changed with 8 insertions and 8 deletions:
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@@ -11,5 +11,5 @@ If you've never presented at a conference before and think you might like to try
In the interest of transparency, we have documented our [selection process](/program/selection-process). Portions of this page were drawn from ideas seen on [DjangoCon EU](, [SeaGL](, [Fog City Ruby](, and others. Thanks to all for their inspiration and permission to borrow!

## Dates
## Dates<a name="dates"></a>

+ **August 21**: CFP opens
@@ -19,5 +19,5 @@ In the interest of transparency, we have documented our [selection process](/pro
+ **December 2–3**: Conference happens!

## Speakers
## Speakers<a name="speakers"></a>

North Bay Python is dedicated to featuring a diverse and inclusive speaker lineup.
@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ We will make every effort to provide accommodations for speakers and attendees o
North Bay Python is a conference in support of the local programmer community outside of the core San Francisco Bay Area tech scene. We aim to feature a mix of local and non-local speakers to offer a program with broad appeal. **All speakers will receive complimentary registration to the conference, and requests for further financial compensation to assist with travel will be considered on a case-by-case basis independent of the proposal's merits.**

## Talk Formats
## Talk Formats<a name="talk-formats"></a>

**Most of the talk slots will be short**&mdash;approximately 25 to 30 minutes, including Q&A. If your ideas would benefit from a longer slot, please explain in your submission how you would use the additional time.

## Topics
## Topics<a name="topics"></a>

**We are a single track conference. This means that your talk needs to hold the attention of beginners and experienced developers alike.**
@@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ This is a list of topics we think might go well in the North Bay Python program,
+ ... and anything else we might not have thought of!

## Resources
## Resources<a name="resources"></a>

This [public speaking]( repository, maintained by [VM Brasseur](, has many useful resources to help you polish your proposals and talks.

### Office Hours and Mentorship
### Office Hours and Mentorship<a name="mentorship"></a>

First time speakers are welcomed and encouraged. In order to support speakers, we offer mentorship and feedback, are running office hours, and hosting a speaker training on the Friday before North Bay Python. Above all we want you to be successful and have a good time telling other attendees about your ideas!
@@ -72,5 +72,5 @@ We're happy to help with any of the following:
+ Anything else that'd help you be at ease and excited about bringing your ideas to our audience!

## Submitting
## Submitting<a name="submitting"></a>

To help us evaluate proposals and build our program, we would like as much detail as you can provide on your talk. At a minimum this should include: **a brief description (~400 characters) suitable for inclusion in a schedule page; a brief prose abstract (intended as the content for a talk detail page on the program site); and, if you'd like, a rough outline of the structure including estimated timings for each section of your talk.**
@@ -84,5 +84,5 @@ Your speaker profile includes a space for you to describe your prior experience

## How to Write Your Proposal
## How to Write Your Proposal<a name="how-to-write-your-proposal"></a>

If you have an idea (or don't!) and want to speak, here's a very rough process of what you should do next:
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