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Christopher Neugebauer - 5 years ago 2019-09-29 19:50:33
Featured Speakers
4 files changed with 50 insertions and 4 deletions:
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@@ -68,48 +68,48 @@

                <input type="hidden" value="1" name="embed"/>

  <div class="jumbotron homepage-block smaller">
    <div class="container speakers_">


      <div class="speaker_ headline">
        <span class="speaker-name">Jacob Kaplan-Moss</span>
        <span class="speaker-name"><a href="/program/featured-speakers/#jacob">Jacob Kaplan-Moss</a></span>
        <span class="speaker-description">Headline Speaker &bull; Saturday</span>

      <div class="speaker_ headline">
        <span class="speaker-name">Jessica McKellar</span>
        <span class="speaker-name"><a href="/program/featured-speakers/#jessica-sha">Jessica McKellar</a></span>
        <span class="speaker-description">Headline Speaker &bull; Sunday</span>

      <div class="speaker_ headline">
        <span class="speaker-name">Shadeed Wallace-Stepter</span>
        <span class="speaker-name"><a href="/program/featured-speakers/#jessica-sha">Shadeed Wallace-Stepter</a></span>
        <span class="speaker-description">Headline Speaker &bull; Sunday</span>

      <div class="speaker_ headline">
        <span class="speaker-name">Guido van Rossum</span>
        <span class="speaker-name"><a href="/program/featured-speakers/#guido">Guido van Rossum</a></span>
        <span class="speaker-description">Featured Speaker</span>

      {% speakers as speakers %}
      {% for speaker in speakers %}
        {% for presentation in speaker.presentations.all %}
          <div class="speaker_">
            <span class="speaker-name">{{ }}</span>
            <span class="speaker-description">
              <a href="{% url "schedule_presentation_detail" %}">{{ presentation.title }}</a>
        {% endfor %}

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new file 100644
{% extends "page_with_title_and_lede.html" %}

{% load i18n %}
{% load markdown_deux_tags %}

{% block head_title %}Featured Speakers{% endblock %}

{% block heading %}Featured Speakers{% endblock %}

{% block body_class %}program{% endblock %}

{% block content %}
  {% markdown %}

{% include "static_pages/program/" %}

  {% endmarkdown %}
{% endblock %}
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new file 100644
<a name="jacob"></a>
## Jacob Kaplan-Moss

A long-time Northern California local (though he now lives in Virginia), Jacob is well known in the Python world as one of the original developers and long-time co-project leader of Django.

He’s led security teams at Heroku, did a stint in public service at 18F, and now works as Principal Engineer at Hangar, an investment company that builds companies designed for public impact.

In his spare time, Jacob runs incredibly long distances for fun, and he skipped North Bay Python 2018 to walk from Northern Washington to Southern California along the Pacific Crest Trail.

<a name="jessica-sha"></a>
## Jessica McKellar &amp; Shadeed "Sha" Wallace-Stepter

Jessica is a former director of the Python Software Foundation, and the PyCon US Diversity Outreach Chair. She works as founder and CTO of Pilot, a bookkeeping firm powered by software. Recently, Jessica's activism work has focused on criminal justice reform.

She works with The Last Mile, a job training and re-entry program that has implemented the first computer programming curriculum inside US prisons. Jessica teaches Python at San Quentin State Prison in California, and hires formerly incarcerated software engineers, bridging between the tech industry and prisons to get people activated and acting for decarceration.

Sha is a graduate of The Last Mile. While he was serving a 27-year to life sentence in prison for assault with a firearm and attempted robbery — a crime committed in his junior year of high school — Sha discovered entrepreneurship, Python, video and audio production, and the power of storytelling. He also learned to be accountable for the harm caused as a young person and what it means now to make living amends.

After serving more than 18 years in prison, on August 17, 2018 California Governor Jerry Brown commuted Sha's life sentence and released him from prison. Sha spends this part of his life being of service by promoting inclusion and working to build a community that sees the value of all its members based on who they are today, and not who they were during the early parts of their lives.


<a name="guido"></a>
## Guido van Rossum

Guido is the inventor of Python, and until last year, led Python as the language’s Benevolent Dictator for Life. He now serves as one of five elected members of the Python Steering Council.

Guido has recently been working on replacing the handcrafted parsing toolchain that’s served Python for the last 30 years with a new toolchain based on Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs). At North Bay Python, he’ll be talking about this project and how it’ll make future versions of Python even better. Guido’s talk is sure to be a fascinating look into the internals of the language, from the person who founded the project.
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@@ -14,32 +14,33 @@ from pinaxcon import views
import symposion.views


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