Changeset - 3f6d6e6bf135
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Stephen Paul Weber (singpolyma) - 2 years ago 2022-01-17 21:43:30
Add replication instructions link
2 files changed with 8 insertions and 0 deletions:
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@@ -23,3 +23,9 @@
      bbb_greenlight_secret: "{{ lookup('password', 'credentials/greenlight_secret length=50') }}"
      bbb_letsencrypt_email: REDACTED
  - community.docker.docker_container_exec:
      command: "sed -ie 's#^  invite_message: .*#  invite_message: \"For the complete corresponding source code of this instance of BigBlueButton, <a href=\\\\\"\\\\\">click here</a>. To invite someone to the meeting, send them this link:\"#' /usr/src/app/config/locales/en.yml"
      container: "greenlight-v2"
  - community.docker.docker_container_exec:
      command: "sed -ie 's#^    about: .*#    about: \"%{href} is a simple front-end for your BigBlueButton open-source web conferencing server. You can create your own rooms to host sessions, or join others using a short and convenient link. For the complete corresponding source code of this instance, <a href=\\\\\"\\\\\">click here</a>.\"#' /usr/src/app/config/locales/en.yml"
      container: "greenlight-v2"
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# Code generated by dhall-to-yaml.  DO NOT EDIT.
- name: community.general
- name: community.docker
- name: ebbba.bigbluebutton
  version: "v2.3.0-a1.0.0"
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