File diff 2abeff1c20f7 → e5ceb6a53431
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@@ -64,25 +64,25 @@ the reported violation or suspected violation within five
business days. All reports will be promptly investigated and 
appropriate corrective action will be taken if warranted by the 

6 Notification

Conservancy shall distribute this Policy to all employees and 
officers for their review. Every Conservancy employee and officer 
shall review the policy, and sign an Acknowledgment Form, 
attached hereto as Exhibit A. 




  Exhibit A: Conservancy Whistleblower Policy Acknowledgment Form

My signature below indicates my receipt and understanding of the 
Software Freedom Conservancy Whistleblower Policy, incorporated 
herein by reference. 

I also verify that I have been provided with an opportunity to 
ask questions about the Policy.