Changeset - a7254d9b2630
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Martin Michlmayr (tbm) - 8 years ago 2016-12-01 20:42:04
Fix some typos

Reviewed-by: Stefan Hajnoczi <>
Reviewed-by: Brett Smith <>
1 file changed with 2 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -412,97 +412,97 @@ should reasonably reduce their per diem claim.
In addition, Conservancy generally encourages Travelers to be conservative with per
diem submissions, and consider asking for less if the full per diem
amounts allowed were not used during travel.

PLCs and/or Conservancy have the authority to set lower per diems
than those generated by the calculators above.  In those instances,
Travelers will only be able to submit for the lower per diems. 

==== Group Meals

For groups of Travelers on an In-Policy trip, each Traveler should
pay for his/her own meals, seeing as all participants will have an
opportunity to submit for separate per diems after the trip. 

For clarification purposes, this Policy does not relate to planned
group events that include meals and/or refreshments (e.g., a PLC-organized
conference that includes lunch for all attendees).  Further, PLCs and/or
Conservancy retain the right to allocate a separate budget for anticipated
large group meals beyond the individual per diem limits of each Traveler,
provided that they are within the PLC's technical objectives and/or
Conservancy's mission.  Travelers anticipating a need to cover such
a large group meal should seek pre-approval from his/her PLC and/or Conservancy
for such expenses before the trip. 

For any such group meal, Conservancy will require a written paragraph
summary of the meeting, indicating what was accomplished for the Project's
and Conservancy's mission.

==== Meals For Organizational Development

Travelers may occasionally have the need to invite third parties,
e.g., prospective donors, contributors, community members, etc., to
meals in order to further a PLC's technical direction and/or Conservancy's
mission.  Conservancy recommends that Travelers seek pre-approval from
their PLC and/or Conservancy for such meals.

For any such organizational development meal, Conservancy will require a
written paragraph summary of the meeting, indicating what was accomplished
for the Project's and Conservancy's mission.

==== Phone Call Charges Part of Per Diem

Charges for personal phone calls (e.g., made from a hotel, or via
a mobile phone in international travel) are not reimbursable as an
expense separate from the allocated per diem. 

==== Currency Conversion Charges Part of Per Diem

Any fees associated with currency conversion are not reimbursable as a
Any fees associated with currency conversion are not reimbursable as an
expense separate from the allocated per diem.

=== Conference Registration Fees

Conservancy will reimburse conference registration fees up to $100 per day
for Travelers on approved Project business and/or approved Conservancy 
business.  For example, a $250 registration fee for a 3-day conference is
In-Policy; however, a $225 registration fee for a 2-day conference is not. 

Travelers seeking reimbursement for registration fees that exceed $100 per 
day must obtain prior approval from Conservancy's Executive Director.  

=== Internet Access

Internet access/wi-fi fees charged by a hotel are reimbursable, provided
that they are listed on the hotel/lodging invoice submitted for 
reimbursement.  Other internet access fees (e.g., airport internet 
services, personal wi-fi hotspots, internet cafes) are not reimbursable 
except as incidental expenses to be covered by a Traveler's per-diem.  

== Additional Days of Travel

Travelers often seek to add extra days before or after an approved trip
(e.g., the weekend before a conference). A Traveler may seek approval for
the expenses associated with an extended stay prior to booking the trip,
provided that the additional days are solely to enable a Traveler to
conduct work within the PLC's objectives and Conservancy's charitable
mission, or to get a particular airfare that *reduces* the overall cost of
the trip.  Travelers may seek approval to book travel itineraries that
include extra days for personal reasons, so long as the cost of the flight
meets the other requirements of this Policy.  Other expenses incurred
during extra personal days beyond transportation costs are not reimbursable.

== Non-reimbursable Expenses

Non-reimbursable expenses are identified throughout this policy.  The
following items are typically non-reimbursable expenses: 

* Partner, spouse, and/or companion travel

* First class travel (unless medically necessary)

* Upgrades to air travel, car rentals, or hotel rooms

* Purchase of clothing, luggage, toiletries and other miscellaneous
personal items 

* Supplemental travel or car rental insurance
@@ -525,73 +525,73 @@ evidence that all expenses are strictly for Project- and/or
Conservancy-related purposes, not personal in nature, and therefore not
includable as taxable income to the Traveler.  Receipts are required for
all expenses, no matter the amount.

== Currency Exchange Rates

Expenses incurred in foreign currencies will be converted to US dollars
based on the exchange rate on the date of incursion.  The currency
exchange rate of record shall be done using[The Bank of Canada 10-year currency converter].

== Approvals

Travelers traveling on behalf of a Project must seek approvals and
submit expense reports to their PLC.  PLCs are to review those expense
reports and pass them along to Conservancy's Executive Director for
final approval and reimbursement. 

Travelers traveling on behalf of Conservancy must seek approvals and
submit expense reports to Conservancy's Executive Director.  Conservancy
staff must seek approvals and submit expense reports to Conservancy's
Treasurer or to another Conservancy Board Member designated by Conservancy's

== Expense Reporting

Travelers seeking reimbursement must submit an expense report to the
appropriate channel with the following information:

* Name of Traveler 

* Brief description of trip and trip's purpose (e.g., ``August 2011
trip to XYZ conference for ABC project, served as planning committee
member''; ``Feb. '12 FOO hackfest in Portland, OR; contributed code'')

* A brief paragraph explaining what was accomplished for the project
during your travel.

* Number of days traveled (with documentary evidence, e.g., conference
itinerary, etc.) and associated per diem

* List of expenses not covered by per diem (e.g., transportation, lodging)
with substantiating receipts (or scans of receipts).

** In the event that it is impractical to obtain a required receipt and/or
if such receipt has been inadvertently destroyed or lost, the Traveler should
furnish a written statement to that effect, as well as an explanation
of the expenditure involved.  When possible, secondary documentation (such
a redacted credit card bill) should be provided instead of the
as a redacted credit card bill) should be provided instead of the
lost/destroyed receipt.

Any expense without a substantiated receipt and/or a supporting written
statement will not be reimbursed. 

Conservancy requests that all expense reports be submitted within two
weeks of travel.  Expense reports filed more than 90 days after expenses
are incurred *will not be reimbursed*.

Reimbursements are paid by Conservancy on a NET-30 basis, from the
date of receipt by Conservancy of the fully complete report and supporting
documentation for the travel.

== Consequences of Policy Violations

Failure to comply with this policy may result in the denial of, or delay
in payment for, reimbursement requests.

== Policy Changes 

The Conservancy reserves the right to change any terms of this Policy
from time to time. The Policy of record shall be the Policy most recently
distributed by the Conservancy. 

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