Changeset - 3d6ddbcbba4d
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Brett Smith (brett) - 7 years ago 2017-06-23 12:54:39
Travel: Wires to Kenya require the bank's local branch name.
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@@ -81,192 +81,195 @@ Travelers should adhere to the following guidelines to stay In-Policy.
   * To receive reimbursement, send hotel and flight/rail receipt,
     along with a list of Per Diem days and totals to  Refer to the Expense Report
     section below for details.
   * Your complete reimbursement request must be submitted to within 90 days of the last date of
     travel.  Untimely requests *will not be reimbursed*.

== Reimbursement Procedure

Note that reimbursements are only processed once per week.  While we usually
can turn around reimbursements in about two weeks' time, please be advised
that Conservancy officially does reimbursements on a NET-30 basis, starting
from the date that complete materials are received.  If this is an issue,
Conservancy is available to prepurchase expensive items like airline tickets
on your behalf, so that you don't need to be reimbursed.

If you seek to be reimbursed for Conservancy Project expenses, please send
the following, in a self contained email (with attachments as necessary),
cc'ing your Project Leadership Committee address (
for Project approval:

  * a brief paragraph explaining what was accomplished for the project
    during your travel and/or with the funds being reimbursed.  This can
    be informal; it's just for our records to confirm the travel advanced
    the not-for-profit mission of both Conservancy and the project.

  * A brief report listing the items to be reimbursed.

  * Full receipt(s) for everything, unless the travel policy does not
    require receipts (e.g., for per diem expenses).

    If your receipts are in a different currency than your preferred one
    for reimbursement, include documentation of the rate conversion (e.g., a
    redacted credit card statement in your preferred currency).  Otherwise,
    Conservancy will use the prevailing rate for the date of the expense for

    Please verify that the receipts that you submit are within the attached
    travel policy requirements.  Note, however, that your Project Leadership
    Committee may have set a stricter budget than what the general
    Conservancy policy allows.

  * How you'd liked to be reimbursed. The four payment options, in order of
    Conservancy's preference, are:

    * PayPal.  For this, we need (a) the email address that is registered to
      the PayPal account that will receive reimbursement and (b) the
      preferred currency.  (Please verify that PayPal supports transactions in[your
      preferred currency before choosing one].)
      Note that sometimes PayPal charges fees.  Usually we're taking
      funds from our PayPal balance, which means no fees appear on our side,
      but they may appear on yours.  In our experience, USA PayPal account
      holders physically in the USA are not typically charged fees; but we do
      advise you to check PayPal's fee schedule before choosing this method.

      NOTE: Typically, when choosing PayPal as a payment option, amounts owed
            in USD will be paid in USD, regardless of your preferred currency
    * Issue you a check in USD from a USA bank, sent to you via post.
      For this option, I just need your postal address.

    * Wire the amount in your local currency to your bank account in your
      country.  For this option, I need as much of the following information
      as it's possible for you to collect.

      Required information

      * Full Name of the Account Holder
      * Full Address of the Account Holder
      * Account Number
      * Preferred Currency
      * Bank Name
      * Bank Address
      * Bank ACH or ABA routing number (for banks in the US);
        or SWIFT and/or BIC code (for banks outside the US)

      Additional required information by country

      * All countries inside the EU: IBAN

      * Australia: BSB or "Bank Code"

      * Brazil: IABN; Tax ID of the Account Holder (your 14-digit CNPJ
          or 11-digit CPF); Phone Number of the Account Holder;
          and Bank Agency Code

      * Colombia: Tax ID of the Account Holder; and Phone Number
          of the Account Holder

      * India: IFSC Code

      * Kenya: The name of the local branch of your bank where you hold your

      * Qatar: IBAN

      * Russian Federation: Beneficiary INN; Patronymic Name of Beneficiary;
          and VAT/VO Code of Beneficiary Bank

      * Ukraine: BSB or "Bank Code"; Tax ID of the Account Holder;
          and Phone Number of the Account Holder

      * United States: Phone Number of the Account Holder

      Additional information we can use

      Banks outside the US will often designate a Correspondent Bank when
      receiving funds from the US.  If you can give us the Correspondent
      Bank Name and ACH, we can specify that in the wire.  Your bank will
      usually take the fewest fees when receiving wires from its
      Correspondent Bank, so this will mean the most money for you.

  * A check in your local currency, sent to you via post. For this option, we
    just need your postal address and what currency you want. Note that this
    is a more involved option to process and will usually take at least 30
    days to issue payment.  We do not recommend this method.  Please choose
    it only if you absolutely cannot receive a wire transfer for some reason.

Project Leadership Committees: when you see emails of this nature, please
be sure to have your designated Representative review the materials and
send an approval message to Conservancy.


== Project Leadership Committee Review

Conservancy foresees the need for periodic reasonable exceptions to
this Policy.  Persons working on behalf of a specific Project seeking
an exception to this Policy must petition their PLC to obtain written
approval from Conservancy authorizing the exception.  Persons working
directly on behalf of Conservancy seeking an exception to the
Policy must obtain written approval from Conservancy authorizing the

PLCs are responsible for creating procedures for requesting exceptions, 
and submitting to Conservancy reimbursement requests associated with
their respective Projects.  PLCs are also responsible for making available
a list of required response times for inquiries, including but not
limited to, the following two cases

* a specific number of days to respond to regular reimbursement requests,

* a specific number of days to respond to pre-authorization requests.

PLCs are also responsible for monitoring the available balance in their
Project Fund, and for granting or refusing approval for travel expense 
requests based on an assessment of the funds available and of any
outstanding contracts payable.  PLCs are not to approve travel expense 
requests when their Project does not have sufficient funds to cover the 
expense.  If a PLC has any questions regarding whether their Project has 
sufficient funds to cover a Traveler's expense request, the PLC should 
contact Conservancy.

== Transportation

=== Overall transportation Cost

Domestic transportation costs greater than US$750 requires Conservancy 
approval prior to booking, even if all other Policy conditions have been 
met.  International transportation costs greater than US$1,650 requires 
Conservancy approval prior to booking, even if all other Policy conditions 
have been met.

=== Advance Purchase

Tickets for travel by air or rail (excluding commuter train and subway) 
should be booked at least 14 days in advance; any travel booked less than 
14 days in advance requires written pre-authorization by Conservancy.  
Tickets for travel by air or rail beyond 365 days in advance also require 
written pre-authorization by Conservancy.

=== Air Travel

==== Class of Service

Coach and/or Economy Airfare is the only acceptable class for all flights
(domestic and international) unless a PLC provides a special exception and
a valid reason (such as a need for business class due to a documented
medical reason) to Conservancy for written approval.  Travelers may select
their airline of choice (e.g., for the purpose of collecting airline miles
and rewards), provided that the resulting air fare otherwise meets the
requirements of this Policy.  Travelers should not book out-of-Policy trips
(and thus pay a higher fare) in order to qualify for a mileage upgrade.

==== Advance Purchase

Air travel should be booked at least 14 days in advance; any travel booked
less than 14 days in advance requires written pre-authorization by
Conservancy.  Flights beyond 365 days in advance also require written
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