Changeset - 29e8989f37d6
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Tony Sebro (keynote2k) - 11 years ago 2013-10-28 14:23:14
add statement to clarify that hotel/per diem limits are per traveler.
1 file changed with 1 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -267,97 +267,97 @@ and require written pre-authorization by Conservancy's Executive Director.
Cancellation fees and other penalties incurred result of a change
of plans are reimbursable at Conservancy's discretion.  In general,
Conservancy shall reimburse such fees if the Traveler can submit a
valid reason for the change of plans.  Acceptable reasons include Conservancy
and/or the PLC canceling or altering the trip or unexpected delays
in flight connections.  In instances where these fees are incurred
without adequate explanation, Conservancy reserves the right to refuse
to reimburse the cost of the fees. 

=== Other Transportation

==== Ground Transportation

Ground transportation necessary as part of authorized Project trips
is considered to be a reasonable expense.   Public ground transportation,
such as taxis, shuttles, buses and municipal transit, are generally
the most cost-effective options and are the standard for eligible
ground transportation reimbursements.  All car rentals require pre-authorization
by the PLC or by Conservancy's Executive Director.  When car rentals
have been pre-approved, the rental of compact cars is encouraged;
mid-size vehicles are authorized when necessary (e.g., when compact-sized
vehicles are not available or the number of passengers or volume of
baggage makes a compact vehicle impractical). 

==== Rail Transportation

Rail transportation as a means of travel for an authorized Project
trip is considered to be a reasonable expense.  All rail transportation
must be in economy and/or coach class.

==== Use of Personal Vehicles

When circumstances require Travelers to utilize their personal vehicles
for Project purposes, they can be reimbursed at the current USA IRS
rate per mile, plus any related parking expenses and toll fees.  Drivers
are encouraged to find the lowest cost reasonably parking area nearby
their destination.

== Lodging

Travelers are expected to be cost-conscious and prudent when booking
lodging for approved trips, and to verify that rates are within the
established per-diem rates for the geographic area of travel.

If the cost per-diem of lodging chosen by the Traveler and/or the PLC
exceeds the[United States General Services Administration's Per Diem calculator]'s ``Max lodging'' column and/or[United States Department of State's ``Foreign Per Diem Rates by Location'' calculator]'s 
``Maximum Lodging Rate column'' for the given location, the Traveler
``Maximum Lodging Rate column'' for the given location (per Traveler), the Traveler
and/or the PLC *must* obtain written
pre-approval from Conservancy and the PLC before booking the hotel.  If
written pre-approval is not sought or is not granted, Conservancy will only
reimburse up to the amount in the rate table above.

Lodging documentation submitted as part of a reimbursement request must
include a copy of the hotel invoice detailing all charges (credit card
receipts *alone* are unacceptable).  Conservancy will not reimburse
Travelers for any costs associated with an upgrade of room accommodations.

In some cases, Conservancy, upon consultation with the PLC, may decide to
book lodging on behalf of Travelers.  In this case, Conservancy-booked
lodging is always considered In-Policy.

== Other Reimbursable Expenses

Conservancy will reimburse persons for Project-related expenses that
are incurred while traveling on approved Project business and/or approved
Conservancy business. Only necessary, ordinary and reasonable expenses
are eligible for reimbursement, and only those categories of expenses
listed in this document qualify. 

=== Meals and Incidental Expenses

==== Overview

Travelers can submit for a per diem for meals and incidental expenses
for every day of a trip devoted to Project- and/or Conservancy-related
mission work, including the day(s) of travel itself.  Maximum per diem
rates for travel within the United States shall be based on the[United States General Services Administration's Per Diem calculator],
using the ZIP code of the travel destination.  For example, a Traveler
based in Palo Alto, CA heading to a conference in Atlanta, GA (with
a layover in Dallas, TX each way) will use the ZIP code of the destination
in Atlanta to calculate the maximum per diem for the entire trip,
including days of travel.

Maximum per diem rates for locations outside
of the United States shall be based on the[United States Department of State's ``Foreign Per Diem Rates by Location'' calculator]'s ``Meals & Incidental Expenses'' (M&IE) column,
using the name of a listed city closest to the travel destination.
For example, a Traveler based in Palo Alto heading to a conference
in London, England (with a layover in New York City) has a maximum
per diem of the M&IE per diem listed London for the entire trip,
including days of travel. 

These per diem rates are the maximum daily rate Travelers can claim.  If a
conference has provided food, or food is provided in some other form, or
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