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Python library and CLI tool to query the Open Exchange Rates API
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Brett Smith 7c11ae408cc8
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oxrlib provides a Python library and CLI tool to query the Open Exchange Rates API. It emphasizes support for rich data types throughout, and supports caching API results to the filesystem.

It currently only supports OXR's "historical" API.

Getting started with the CLI tool

oxrlib includes an <tt class="docutils literal">oxrquery</tt> tool to access the OXR API directly from the command line. By default, it reads your OXR credentials and other common configuration from <tt class="docutils literal">~/.config/oxrlib.ini</tt>. Copy <tt class="docutils literal">oxrlib_example.ini</tt> from the source to <tt class="docutils literal">~/.config/oxrlib.ini</tt>, then edit that file following the instructions in the comments.

Run <tt class="docutils literal">oxrquery --help</tt> for instructions to use the tool.

Getting started with the library

Here's an example of using the Python library, complete with caching results:

from oxrlib import cache, loaders, rate

filename_format = '{date}_{base}_rates.json'
cache_writer = cache.CacheWriter(DIR_PATH, historical=filename_format)
loader = loaders.LoaderChain()
loader.add_loader(loaders.FileCache(DIR_PATH, historical=filename_format))
with loader.historical(DATE, BASE_CODE_STRING) as json_response:
    hist_rate = rate.Rate.from_json_file(json_response)
if loader.should_cache():
# Rates are available from the hist_rate.rates dict.

Running tests

Run <tt class="docutils literal">./ test</tt> from your checkout directory.