File diff 8dede9d1398c → ae3e4617d31e
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@@ -239,3 +239,24 @@ def test_from_date_conversion(alternate_responder, output, any_date, output_form
    check_fx_amount(config, lines, '10.00 ANG', '0.558', 'USD', '$', '0.507')
    check_fx_amount(config, lines, '20.52 AED', '0.272', 'USD', '$', '0.265')
    assert next(lines, None) is None

def test_rate_consistent_as_cost_and_price(alternate_responder, any_date, output_format):
    config_kwargs = {
        'responder': alternate_responder,
        'amount': 65000,
        'from_currency': 'RUB',
        'output_format': output_format,
        'signed_currencies': (),
    config = build_config(date=any_date, **config_kwargs)
    with io.StringIO() as output:
        lines = lines_from_run(config, output)
        match ='\{=?(\d+\.\d+ USD)\}', next(lines, "<EOF>"))
    assert match
    expect_rate = f' @ {}\n'
    future_date = any_date.replace(year=any_date.year + 1)
    config = build_config(date=future_date, from_date=any_date, **config_kwargs)
    with io.StringIO() as output:
        lines = lines_from_run(config, output)
        assert next(lines, "<EOF>").endswith(expect_rate)